I've often met your patrols in the deep Omicron space and really don't care about it, until one of your's hysterical thugs didn't said that I'm in the 'Core-controlled space' and the and that I have to 'respect the authorities in this region'.
09.07.2015 22:52:34] Core|Lancer-1: Hey. Freelancer.
[09.07.2015 22:52:39] Yui.Hetai: Ah?
[09.07.2015 22:52:47] Core|Lancer-1: Those two pilots in your hold look familiar.
[09.07.2015 22:52:51] Core|Lancer-1: How'd they end up there?
[09.07.2015 22:53:10] Core|Lancer-1: I'm not interested in the three imbeciles, just the two. I'm sure you know which two I'm referring to.
[09.07.2015 22:53:11] Yui.Hetai: Found them in space not so far from the Freeport
[09.07.2015 22:53:27] Core|Lancer-1: And you didn't think to release them at the Freeport? You taking them sightseeing, or what?
[09.07.2015 22:53:36] Core|Lancer-1: Looks cramped in there.
[09.07.2015 22:54:19] Core|Lancer-1: Well?
[09.07.2015 22:54:21] Yui.Hetai: I will let them go when dock or I can give them to you if you wish
[09.07.2015 22:54:35] Core|Lancer-1: That's all well and good, but why'd you not come up with this sooner?
[09.07.2015 22:54:42] Core|Lancer-1: I'm not convinced they're enjoying it in there.
[09.07.2015 22:55:42] Core|Lancer-1: Ugh. Whatever.
[09.07.2015 22:55:56] Yui.Hetai: Next time I'll leave them in space
[09.07.2015 22:56:06] Core|Lancer-1: That a threat, Freelancer?
[09.07.2015 22:56:18] Core|Lancer-1: You're in Core-controlled space, orbiting a Core-controlled battlefield.
[09.07.2015 22:56:46] Core|Lancer-1: Don't do anything stupid.
[09.07.2015 22:56:52] Yui.Hetai: I'm came to Omicrons in the run from 'controled space'
[09.07.2015 22:57:08] Core|Lancer-1: What, you hoping for some sort of 'wild west'?
[09.07.2015 22:57:13] Core|Lancer-1: Every man for himself?
[09.07.2015 22:57:22] Core|Lancer-1: You'd rather protect yourself from the savage Corsairs and the Nomads on your own?
[09.07.2015 22:57:37] Core|Lancer-1: You wouldn't be able to survive for a second here if it wasn't for us.
[09.07.2015 22:57:50] Yui.Hetai: I do not care about the Corsairs, well Nomads, yeah, they are mad for some reason
[09.07.2015 22:58:14] Yui.Hetai: Maybe they mad 'cause of such guys like the Core one
[09.07.2015 22:58:19] Core|Lancer-1: They're "mad" at us, is that what you're saying? I'd say they have genocidal tendencies. A little worse than just mad.
[09.07.2015 22:58:57] Yui.Hetai: You do the same as they do. Pure genocide
[09.07.2015 22:59:03] Core|Lancer-1: Hmph.
[09.07.2015 22:59:29] Core|Lancer-1: You ought to learn to keep your mouth shut, Freelancer.
[09.07.2015 22:59:41] Core|Lancer-1: You're lucky it's me you're dealing with, some of my colleagues would lock you up for these words.
[09.07.2015 22:59:45] Core|Lancer-1: At best.
[09.07.2015 23:00:12] Yui.Hetai: As I said I will no longer save your pilots. You want more?
[09.07.2015 23:00:13] Death: Leopard was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.07.2015 23:00:29] Core|Lancer-1: I want you to respect the authorities in this region.
[09.07.2015 23:00:47] Core|Lancer-1: You may have come here thinking this place is lawless. You're wrong. -We- are the law.
[09.07.2015 23:00:59] Core|Lancer-1: And you will not breach the laws. You will obey us.
[09.07.2015 23:01:01] Core|Lancer-1: Keep that in mind.
[09.07.2015 23:01:32] Yui.Hetai: You are the cancer of this space indeed. Law pwah.
[09.07.2015 23:01:46] Core|Lancer-1: You trying to provoke a fight, Freelancer?
[09.07.2015 23:02:10] Core|Lancer-1: I warned you before that some of my colleagues are less willing to listen to you disrespecting our organisation.
[09.07.2015 23:02:18] Yui.Hetai: I would if I had a chance.
[09.07.2015 23:02:20] Core|Lancer-1: But I have my limits, too.
[09.07.2015 23:02:22] Core|Lancer-1: Don't cross the line.
[09.07.2015 23:02:39] Yui.Hetai: I'm not so foolish to try the Core pilots
[09.07.2015 23:02:52] Core|Lancer-1: You certainly seem to be.
[09.07.2015 23:03:01] Core|Vampire: Are you fine over there?
[09.07.2015 23:03:17] Core|Lancer-1: I'm done here. You are to leave. Drink yourself to death at the Freeport for all I care.
[09.07.2015 23:03:24] Core|Lancer-1: But you will leave this combat zone.
[09.07.2015 23:03:42] Core|Lancer-1: I see you on my scanners a minute from now, I'll get rid of you myself. Kapiche?
[09.07.2015 23:03:50] Core|Lancer-1: Better get moving.
[09.07.2015 23:04:11] Yui.Hetai: drink? no thanks, I more about the Cardamine.
[09.07.2015 23:04:34] Core|Lancer-1: A drug addict, coming here only to insult the Core's pilots?
[09.07.2015 23:04:40] Core|Lancer-1: Your minute is almost up.
[09.07.2015 23:04:42] Core|Lancer-1: I would get moving.
[09.07.2015 23:05:13] Core|Lancer-1: Smart man.
[09.07.2015 23:05:20] Core|Lancer-1: I suggest you hold your tongue in future encounters.
[09.07.2015 23:05:21] Yui.Hetai: Well... Wilde kill more of them...
I would like to hear what kind of 'authorities' you are. From what I see you slash and burning all the native population of the Omicron Worlds. You could do and kill whatever you want and I'm don't mind until you will try to cut my freedom. Seriously even house police do not talk like this. There is companys that contol some space, but they are openly, I have no idea from which sources you have that moneys to maintain the private fleet... And alrigth, if you will kill everyone you want to kill all along the Omicrons... you will never make it, but let us fancy a bit. What for? What you gonna do? I have a feeling from your current style that it will be the worse dictatorship ever. You spending tons tons tons of credits to this war and you will wish to turned them back and more. Is the greed your main motive?
:::[Incoming Transmission]::: :::[Establishing video feed]::: :::[Video feed: Live]:::
ID: Erik Nodtviet Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho Subject: The Law
Obey the law - obey The Core - obey us. Don't fulfill any of those demands and you are going to get yourself in trouble. It is within your interests to follow that criteria, so that The Core can effectively meet their objectives.
We simply seek to establish peace in such a dangerous area of Sirius. Everything is within your interests.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing
You just said that obey to you in my interests?
You just said that I will face some problems if I will not obey?
You just said you are establishing peace?
Well hat is a quite hilarious, but it sould like... you are serious right now. If it is not obvious to you let's make it clear: I will not follow your 'laws'. You can get command to your thugs to let me be. If some of them will try to enforce your 'laws' I will just say them: Go to Hell. So... you are informed.
:::[Incoming Transmission]::: :::[Establishing video feed]::: :::[Video feed: Live]:::
ID: Erik Nodtviet Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho Subject: The Law
Ok. You can use words against us when my men find you, and they'll use their guns in retaliation. You are making a grave mistake by showing such insolence, one which may cost you dearly. You have been warned.
Also we are The Core - not the BHG Core. That organization is long gone.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing
Dude, are you went to full madness? Impression that you have no any map of the Omicrons over there, I think I shall make you a little gift which is be the map when I'll visit the Rho next time. I think you will realize many thing if you'll take a look on it.
As I said you may do what are you want, if you want to shoot me go ahead, but please do not offence when something will fly in for you in reply. I think that there is a less of good pilots in The Core by now after the Delta's massacre. It seems that this conversations comes to a standstill and about to end. If you have something new to say I'm listening, still hoping that you will be wise in the end at least.