We would like to take a moment to talk about Freeport 11. Our Freeport stands as a beacon of hope, and rest for all those who traverse the dangerous Omicrons. Many pilots of all types use our repair and resupply facilities, in peace. However in recent weeks we have received many reports on Core vessels violating the safety we provide. Therefore, we are contacting the Guildmaster of the Core to notify you and your staff of repeated Freeport Violations by vessels using your tag, and what we, at the {CoF}, plan to do about it.
For the next 30 days the following vessels are barred from landing, loitering, or otherwise entering within 10k of Freeport 11. Should any of these vessel names pass our desks again we will seek a more permanent solution to your continued aggression towards our station suppliers, and Zoner vessels themselves.
The Following Vessels have a 30 day ban placed upon them
If you have any questions feel free to contact our offices. We hope that a 30 day ban will be enough to have the pilots of these vessels respect the neutrality of our stations, especially if the Core is going to continue to stage from them.
We must patrol and enforce our law in our backyard. In that regard, we have been doing a far better job at policing Omicron Delta and Freeport 11 than the CoF have in recent months as our presence rises. The beacon of hope that is your Freeport is unfortunately tainted by Corsairs, Nomads, The Order and any other dangerous entities that seek to cause harm to the denizens of Omicron Delta. Without us, there'd be a lot less visitors to your Freeport and a lot more wrecks littering the area around it. Whilst we do respect the neutrality of the Zoners and Freeport 11, we will not turn a blind eye whilst evil loiters in Delta and causes distress and danger to ships within.
We find that your decision dangerously conflicts with us fulfilling our objectives. If it satisfies the Confederation of Freeports, we are willing to simply pay a fine instead.
Regardless, I expect to see the evidence supporting your decision of barring our vessels from the Freeport. The Core does not show aggression towards your station suppliers, or the Zoners, unless those suppliers are our enemies or break the law - which in that case, we may have an issue.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing
[18.07.2015 19:15:16] [TBH]Arcelia.Chavez.: Oh, so you do not respect Zoner laws? *chuckles*
[18.07.2015 19:15:23] CNS-Bahama: Damian: Senora Chavez, they are keeping capital ships there!
[18.07.2015 19:15:31] Core|WV-Anassi: Nodtviet: Zoner laws? Please
[18.07.2015 19:15:37] Core|Sapphire.Raven*: Pffffffffffffffffffffff.
[18.07.2015 19:15:48] Core|Ivy.Noire.: The most ridicilous things here.
[18.07.2015 19:15:49] Core|Sapphire.Raven*: Oh look t-they're scared of the NFZ
[18.07.2015 19:15:51] Core|Sapphire.Raven*: Idddddiooooots.
[18.07.2015 19:16:02] Core|WV-Anassi: Nodtviet: I don't think a worm such as yourself will find safety within the confines of the No Fire Zone.
Given the conflicting nature of what you have said to us with regards to respecting Zoner Laws and what you have said to others about our Laws you’ll forgive us for being a little suspicious of your intentions. Furthermore we would like to point out that due to how ruthlessly the Core ejected the Corsairs from Yaren Base, a significant number (of Corsairs) have turned our Freeport into a refugee camp while they plan their final relocation. While the Corsairs are simply complaining to us at this time it is a very small step from complaints to hunting. I’m sure you’ll agree that we have nowhere near the same level of military power that Core has to counter such an onslaught. Additionally, several Freeports and our own production facilities are well within Corsair Territory. We must consider the wellbeing of all our facilities as a whole.
If you can understand our position we perhaps can come to better terms than a 30 day ban on those vessels. It would require the Core however to acknowledge and guarantee the 10k No Fire Zone.
That being said, should a Core vessel engage another vessel outside of that limit, and should that other vessel flee to the Freeport, we would encourage the Core not to continue to engage the other vessel, but merely to report it to us. Our laws, in addition to the No Fire Zone, do specify that vessels fleeing an engagement onto our station are the ones treated as guilty.
At any rate please keep your fights further than 10k from our Freeport, those Biodomes are quite fragile, and one of the few sources of food in the deep omicrons.
It sickens me to hear that Corsairs are using Freeport 11 as a refugee camp. I do not like cockroaches festering in my backyard. I was under the impression that according to the Comisario himself, Corsair forces had moved back to Gamma rather than staying in a region of space that is dominated by our influence. Regardless, we can adjust to that. Any Corsair found heading to Gamma will simply be obliterated. This will not change our attitude to the Zoners however, as we can only think that you were bullied by the Corsairs to give them docking allowances.
On that note, if the Freeport is ever threatened by the Corsair menace Core will do the duty it has been doing in recent months and immediately come to the Zoners aid. Under our watch, all evil will be destroyed and no Zoners will be harmed by them. If the Corsairs dare to attack an unrelated Zoner base in a completely different region of space, and I imagine the local Zoner communities will have no connection to each other, we will dispatch forces to crush them where necessary.
The Core does acknowledge the No Fire Zones placed around Freeports, however in Omicron Delta we have our law which must be enforced. The Edge Worlds are a hostile place and we seek to change that. That can only be attained via appropriate legal measures enforced by us. If we see a Corsair, Order or any other hostile or law breaker within the vicinity of the Freeport causing trouble or otherwise, they will be dealt with if necessary. Regardless, our priority is to protect the Freeport and the Zoners that inhabit it. They are forgotten by The Order, betrayed by the Corsairs, and attacked by the Machines. We will not follow a similar path and will ensure the safety of the Zoners against all these threats.
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing
While you personally view each of our Freeports as their own group, many do not and treat each station the same no matter the location. Additionally while your offer of military support is looked favorably upon, is the Core really in a position to protect our assets, given the loss of Dabadoru?
Furthermore, you should be aware that the Order also pretends to enforce its laws in Delta, and that very same system is still listed as a part of the Corsair Empire. So, Guildmaster, how can we decide which claim is true...or not. The truth is that none of those groups, including your own, can really enforce complete control over the system. Which is why the NFZ, in its entirety, is necessary and non-negotiable. We would also kindly like to remind you of Freeports 1 and 2. The large house of Liberty, Rheinland, and even old Bretonia respect our Laws in lieu of their own, within and only 10k of our Freeports. As such you will understand that we must, and will, prioritize our laws at our Freeports. Should the Core continue to breach the NFZ beyond the defence of Zoners it will be met with fines and the loss of docking privileges. Although we do appreciate your defense of Omicron Delta we ourselves have a non-aggressive stance with both your organization and the Corsairs; along with normalising relations with the Order. As such we do not appreciate having our station be the center of your enforcements on these factions within our No Fire Zone. The 30 day ban upon those listed vessels will remain in place, should those names cross our desk again further action will be taken.
We highly recommend that the Core report criminals to us, who will then be the ones denied docking rights, and next time they approach the station they will be met with our own defensive turrets, leaving you plenty of room to take care of them as you see fit without endangering the station and the people who inhabit it.
The loss of Dabadoru is a... minor setback to say the least. It will not however dull our presence in Delta, nor our dedication to ensuring peace within the Omicrons. Whilst The Order are scrambling to secure a foothold in Delta, the Corsairs have certainly been beaten out. Any claims of the system coming under their Empire is nothing but a foolish dream. Even still, The Order regime is that of a brutal one which undermines the value of a human life. Our law is for the people and thus is inherently superior. Whilst we remove the Corsair presence by taking the enemy head on, The Order had to rely on a cheap tactic and strike us whilst our forces were elsewhere. I can assure you, The Order for now can enjoy a hollow victory but when they have to face The Core war machine head on they will break.
Unless I am mistaken the Houses of Sirius have a policy where they do not enforce their laws within the systems containing those mentioned Freeports, which is the parallel between my organization. It seems our clash is that we both have sets of laws which we must enforce. Rather than let that create conflict, The Core may be willing to adjust it's laws to incorporate Freeport 11's neutrality - but our objectives will maintain priority where possible. Whilst we can respect the NFZ, we certainly cannot respect the hostile intentions of criminals, especially in Omicron Delta. We do try to force engagements out of the NFZ, however sadly we are not always successful. The process of reporting criminals would be especially tedious, when we are fully capable of dealing with them on our own. Our methodology ultimately leads to less casualties and strives towards more peace within Delta.
A thirty day ban on the mentioned Core ships however will stall in the way of this, and will not be productive to either of us. Is there any sort of way the ban can be undone, or at least be reduced considerably?
-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing