While Omicron Supply Industries always welcomes new zoners to our home in Omega 49 we have a minor problem with your station. It is less than 6k away from Lanzarote Station, in clear violation of the Laws of the Confederation of Freeports. I have attached the specific law below but we require your station to be moved at least 5k outside of the NFZ, for a total of 15k away from Lanzarote Station. Your compliance is necessary and required. Refusal...would be unfortunate.
(08-09-2014, 06:24 PM)Confederation of Freeports Wrote:
Laws of the Confederation of Freeports
10. No base or other installation may be built within 5k of any CoF claimed space.
10. A) Pre-approved installations are the exception to this rule
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Your lack of reply is deeply disturbing to the Directors. Due to the risk that your station poses to our continuing operations on Lanzarote Station we must request that you respond to us within the next 24 hours. Otherwise we will be forced to take harsher measures to enforce the Laws of the Confederation of Freeports.