*A hologram of a long-haired blonde caucasian man in his thirties, wearing a very fake smile and an expensive black pinstripe suit appears and immediately begins to speak*
"Greetings and salutations, denizens of Sirius! We are glad to inform you all that, after a hiatus and a thorough firm restructure, Very sirius exports is once more glad to be at your service, yet this time as a prime catering service, for all your hedonistic wants and desires! Yes, we deliver only the finest of goods to your doorstep, and you won't find lower delivery fees anywhere in Sirius! So give us a ring through our personal channel and let us ensure your party is long talked about."
*The man remains silent for a moment, then clears his throat and continues in a disturbingly quick and cold voice*
"Disclaimer: Legality clause signing required. Payment form non-negotiable. The advertisement is only a display of the product, not the product itself."
*The man offers an eerie smile for a second before the advertisement terminates*
822 A.S.
A short, moustached man yells loudly in a rather small room to some employees, "Just WHO let that transmission be broadcast from here?!! Someone is bound to be watching us, with how suspicious that looked! Couldn't you have told them to go to Roppongi, Furyoku, or even Newark? The IND cannot have these types of ads being broadcast from here with how bad our reputation is now! Do not let this happen again on Wall Street Station, do you understand, Operations Managers?"
They respond with "Yes sir, Mr. Thomas," quickly to the executive. They immediately go to their offices to begin different emergency conference calls with their subordinates in each section that they maintain in the station. The \se| personnel responsible for placing the ad at Wall Street are soon escorted off the station in a Renzu Freighter, and as Mr. Thomas watches the ship charge its cruise engines through his window, he sighs with relief. "Finally, those cheapos who can't get their ads to look legitimate can go someplace else. I sure hope nobody was watching that..." Then, unknowingly to Mr. Thomas, a tiny robot crawls out from under his desk and into a vent, with all the information about the angry executive's rant to his employees and what resulted from that.
The robot crawls throughout the giant station's ventilation system to the infamous "Grey Sector" of Wall Street Station. Once there, it crawls out of a vent and into the hand of a cloaked individual. The figure inserts a data chip into the robot, having it transfer the data to the chip before pulling it back out again. Then, the robot crawls into a safe belonging to the individual before the figure closes the safe and the robot enters charging mode. "Good work. I'll keep you here for any, well let's say, emergencies that might arise might I need to stay away from Oita for an extended period of time." The figure then leaves, heading towards the docking bay to their personal ship.
Climbing into the cockpit of their Dromedary freighter, the figure says to an automated co-pilot, "We're heading to Leiden. Program the usual route." The android responds with "Affirmative, Captain. Setting Galileo Jump Hole as new Waypoint. Launching Ship now..." The Dromedary then leaves the station perimeter, and with that the figure heads off to sell the information about the cover-up to the highest bidder.
//Yeah, I did this for the fun of it. Hopefully this will mean more RP options for you here, friend.
The mysterious figure that Sean encountered earlier had made quite the bargain for this information, so naturally Sean wanted to see the footage he was not already shown confirming that this was real intel. After viewing it, he went to his ship and took off towards the Shikoku Jump Hole.
After Sean left his ship, he navigated the decks of the station looking for the \se employees. They, of course, were near the bar as he had predicted, so after getting that tip from a crew worker, he quickly proceeded to the bar, walking towards opportunity and profit.
//Yeah, this was a bit rushed, sorry. PM me if you need anything else.
The nose of the Reluctant Strider, the \se| mobile headquarters eerily and soundlessly glided past one of Deshima Station's flight control towers, only stopping with a brief shake when the Corvo's side-mounted mooring lock kissed the station wall firmly. As the airlock pressure equalized and the wide door opened into the station's corridors, forcing a hand up to brush long blonde locks away from a well-trained, arduously perfected fake bright smile, giving off a hint of razor grin. Said grin belonged to a tall, lean built man in an elegant black and gray hex-textured businessman suit- He looked quite harmless, yet as dangerous as you might imagine at the same time. Slowly, he paced towards the station's main bar, a burly bodyguard-looking bald-headed bruiser in tow, only to very slowly set himself down, alone, in a five-man booth, even setting down a tiny little pyramid, projecting a spinning holographic logo of \se|. Immediately afterwards, he pulled out a small commlink pad and begun typing away, looking distracted during the bodyguard's bored, yet vigilant scanning of the surrounding from halfway across the room.
"One double Dublin, rocks. Make it snappy."
His velvety voice struck the young waitress and she nearly tripped over herself in her rush towards the bar- A pair of icy blue eyes just as quickly settled down on the pad as they had risen towards her as she approached. Every so often, even as his drink arrived in a short glass, he snuck peeks along the room, pleased he saw no apparent IND employees or agents.