Hyun_Shik was an extraordinary navigator. Oh sure he could fly well enough but it was his ability to plot courses that gained him a contract with Samura at the age of 13. He started with small transports flying basic scrap to miners in need of repairs. His quick mind helped him through all sorts of troubles.
He grew up as most Kusari boys do. Head in space eager to either join the military or the Blood Dragons. How ever Samura struck first and offered his parents quite a large sum of money to allow them use of the young boy's mind. So with that he started flying transports. As he quickly learned the jump holes and and trade lanes his times got shorter and shorter and his supervisors became more anxious as his scheduled check-ins began to stop happening. Finally one man decided to test the boy and asked him to fly a load of alien organisms halfway across Sirius. So the boy agreed not knowing that the cargo would quickly deteriorate. He left early in the morning after the cargo had been loaded. A short while later, before the man could sit down to breakfast, he received a phone call from the receiving party and was quite astounded. "I thought you said the cargo wouldn't be her till tonight." they said, "It can't have gotten their already! We sent him out five hours ago it takes anyone twice that time even if they speed." His reply came. "Well unless his ID signature has a doppelganger he was here." They confirmed. With this evidence he decided to start using the boy more particularly. The man gave the boy his own ship, The Sonikkuu~ingu, a heavy transport, and access to higher class missions. By the age of sixteen Hyun was taking the highest class mission Samura had to offer. He had a motto painted on his ship "Fast and Guaranteed". His fame grew and one day a mysterious man approached him.
The man Handed Hyun a piece of paper with instructions on it. The paper read 'Pick up package at dock 9 and fly to Tohoku. Instructions will follow once you are there.' at the bottom of the paper was a number 50,000,000 credits. He could hardly believe he was taking such a risky job. Needless to say he went to dock 9 to pick up the package. It was slightly weird as there wasn't anyone around. No clerk to check the package or export official to receive the standard tax. All that was there was a small briefcase with strange symbols on the locking mechanism. Not wanting to upset anything he took the case and departed with a load of oxygen. (No one checks the oxygen shipments) he said to him self. Arriving on the other side of the Tohoku jump hole he was greeted by a surprising sight. Two battle ships and several fighter wings were waiting for him. Before he could respond a voice came over the com. "Do you have the package?" the gruff voice said. "Yes." Hyun responded slowly. The voice ordered him to power down his ships systems minus the life support and prepare to be towed. A short time later they arrived at a massive asteroid in the middle of space. Well at first Hyun thought it was an asteroid. Very quickly he recognized the structure as Tekagi's Arch. Many children's rumors are filled with an impenetrable fortress that Tekagi built to show the strength of his empire only to have it snatched away. He was only in the landing area of the base but he saw numerous things while he was there. After a man had taken the case he was 'ushered' back into his ship and escorted back to the jump hole. After warning him to not deviate from the jump hole or risk his life the ships that had been there just vanished into thin space like they had never been there. Not wanting to mess with powers that great Hyun left Tohoku.
Hyun flew any cargo in half the time of other pilots; things were good for a time. But alas all good things come to an end as his fame grew so did his infamy. Other pilots began following him and mapping his routs. He quickly noticed an increase in pirating activity where he flew specifically. As his times dropped his opponents time went up. by the time he caught on to what was happening the damage hard already been done. People stopped hiring him as his age was young. This forced him to accept jobs from other companies at lower rates. As the pressure got to him he turned to drinking and gambling and lost most of the money he made. Just when he was about to give everything up an Idea came to him. He sold his ship along with all his belongings and bought a ticket to Tottori.
While at a race track he happened to notice a gang of individuals that drove primarily Arrows. intrigued he began talking with one who introduced him to Sunny. Within a couple of days he had a new ship and had started flying smugglers routs. See his plan was if your going to get caught anyway might as well make it worth your while. And that is exactly what he is finding out.