Liberty Navy HQ, Planet Manhattan Vice Admiral Harriet Fieldson. A new title. After looking at some of the pictures placed on the wall or her desk, each of them portraying old memories from her long service time, weather she was smiling as fierce as a forty pounder along with other fine Navy-men or just another usual “formality” picture, made "Vice Admiral" sound as if it were just another title, yet now carrying a different kind of responsibility. She had seen many brave heroes, and if one could call them so, winners of the Purple Heart, sacrificing beyond the call of duty for the ideals and people they had sworn to protect. Men with amputated arms, legs or knees, but never had she seen an amputated will and courage. Simply because there is no cure nor prosthetic for that. That kind of responsibilities.
On the dark maple wooden desk, there would lie a console, a couple of eye-catching ornaments, much alike the ones found in libraries, plenty of different papers and documents, and a constantly spinning pen at the hand of Harriet, whose eyes were flying off in the distance towards the holographic projector. On display was the strategic map of the Magellan system, that was now sharing it’s place with Leeds, showing the concentrations of forces, fleet movements, tactical markings and the ever closing front line towards what is called the "Homefront". Weather she was daydreaming, wondering, or deep in thought, one could not tell.
The situation was looking rather grim. Intuitively she was giving herself the impression things weren’t going as smooth as they were planned by Operation Royal Flush and as much as she tried to refute and disbelieve that, it was almost impossible. And that would be unless action would be taken. And at that very moment the pen is heard smiting onto the desk.