"Good evening I am Ludwig Hummel reporting from New Berlin.
With the war between the Republic of Liberty and the Federal Republic of Rheinland coming to a close with the recent amastice between Libertonian and Rheinland forces life once again has begun to return to normal with the cessation of hostilities in place by the Federal Government of Rheinland supported by the Republic of Liberty. In addition it appears the return of trade relations on the horizon which promises a stabilization of the economy across Rheinland.
Throughout Rheinland new opportunities have arisen for the citizens of Rheinland, new employment opportunities promise a new beginning for many within the borders of our House.
One such story is that of an News Agency within Rheinland who is soon to open it's doors. While news is sketchy at present sources claim that the agency will be based in Rheinland space and employing journalists locally some of which worked previously with the Rheinland News Network.
-Headquarters of the Agency under construction-
While the name of this agency has not been released to the public as of yet we do know that the agency will be investigating stories Sirius-wide, an employee who wishes to remain anonymous has stated":
Quote:"My colleagues and I are ecstatic to be here, our agency shall be reporting events all over Sirius to the House of Gallia to the depths of the Omicrons to here in Rheinland itself. Also with a better quality and fresher outlook than you will find with any other news agency. While I cannot reveal more details as of yet I have it on good authority that we shall start airing very soon."
"The Federal Government has not made any comments as of yet on the new agency in development but we expect to hear from them at some point in the future on this development. I am Ludwig Hummel reporting live from New Berlin."