I actually have a role play written for the Marsflyer. It doesn't involve flying one but it does involve the infocard on it--specifically the martians and mars invasion info from old earth.
Will this be changed in 4.85? It affects Tinkerbell and I wanted to know if anyone can say.
No, I am not starting a Junker (or any other) marsfllyer squadron.
No, I am not going to secretly be a martian.
No, Tinkerbell will not be flying a marsflyer.
No, it is simply for a personal character "mystery".
Is it gone or is the harvester ship being added so the Harvesters dont have to use it? And--do you actually KNOW? Or is that just like when I ask directions and get an answer from a person who has no idea?
The marsflyer has been replaced. It was a "non-fl" model and it was decided that the best ship to replace it with was the harvesters SHF. The Harvester SHF will be using all of the marsflyer weapons, essentially it will be the same ship, but with a new model and infocards.
' Wrote:The marsflyer has been replaced. It was a "non-fl" model and it was decided that the best ship to replace it with was the harvesters SHF. The Harvester SHF will be using all of the marsflyer weapons, essentially it will be the same ship, but with a new model and infocards.
Thanks--darn--I had a whole "hidden storyline" there. I think I'll retain it as a legacy. Glad they kept the weapons.