The Arcani Initiative Translation: the 'Secret Ones'.
Normal ID / IFF:The Core / The Core Incognito ID / IFF:FL or Core / FL Naming Scheme:Core|A-Codename Incognito Naming Scheme:Name
Synopsis Equal parts secret service, special forces and urban administrators, the Arcani are prestiguous pilots that equate to authority on the same level as a Paladin rank. Their loyalty to their objectives is unquestionable. These handpicked pilots serve as the sworn bodyguard of the Guildmaster, but also used for the purpose of intelligence gathering and enemy interdiction both in and outside the Edge Worlds. Arcani also serve as informants, re-transmitting information gathered both at home and away, as well as protecting the political integrity of Omicronia.
And although they are created to serve the will of the Guildmaster and his Guildkeepers, rumors flow that the leader of the Arcani may hold a level of authority that equates to the Guildmaster --- or perhaps even higher.
With the Bounty Hunters Guild splitting off from The Core, The Core found that they'd no be able to use Guild operatives to collect intelligence on Order and Nomad operations, as well as observe the Sirian populace. Seemingly, it seemed that the use of dedicated agents working outside of the Edge Worlds would not be needed. And whilst more ravenous Core pilots would chase Order agents out of the Omicrons, most of the time they'd just be let go.
However after the fall of Dabadoru in 823 A.S as well as numerous reports of Nomad attacks becoming more omnipresent throughout Sirius, The Core felt it was time for change. Together, Erik Nodtviet and his Guildkeepers formed the Arcani Initiative.
Based on the Ancient Sol Roman counterparts of the same name, agents of the Arcani Initiative are posted both in and outside of the Edge Worlds in small cells with the primary purpose of intelligence gathering and enemy interdiction. Specifically Arcani agents observe, contain and eliminate any potential Order or Alien activity taking place outside of the Edge Worlds. Arcani agents are also on the lookout for any caches of Nomad technology or remains, and are ordered to seize them and bring them back to The Core. They will also report and spy on any instances of foreign military operations, and gather statistics on foreign militaries as well. To avoid drawing suspicion, the Arcani are advised to hand out propaganda leaflets or accompany APM vessels on convoys.
The Arcani also maintain the political structure of Omicronia, as well as watch it's citizens closely.
Within The Core however there are rumours over who the Arcani truly are. Some speculate that the Arcani may be androids, genetically engineered humans, or even going as far to suggest they are human clones. Whatever they may be, the secrecy and the mystery surrounding the Arcani only adds to the circulation of these rumours. But ultimately, only The Core High Command truly knows what they are.
Currently, it is under reformation.
Current Reporting Networks Liberty Network
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Systems Under Network: Liberty, Systems Bordering Liberty, Coronado
Bretonia Network - Inactive
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Systems Under Network: Bretonia, Systems Bordering Bretonia, Coronado, Drake
Kusari Network - Inactive
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Systems Under Network: Kusari, Systems Bordering Kusari
Rheinland Network - Inactive
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Systems Under Network: Rheinland, Systems Bordering Rheinland
Gallia Network - Inactive
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Systems Under Network: Gallia, Systems Bordering Gallia, Tau-23, Tau-37, Tau-31