James continues, walking out of the bar and towards the airlocks, Mr. Morningstar closely behind.
“We’ll board, and head straight to my conference hall. I’m sure you’ll want to get right down to business.” James opens the inner airlock doors. Walking down the tunnel towards James’ ship, he pulls a keycard out of his pocket and presses the button on the wall, opening the outer airlock doors. James reaches out and swipes the keycard through a slot on the Zebrina’s hull. The outer doors of Zebrina’s airlock opens, the brown metal creaks and wails as the doors slides out of the way.
“I’ll need to have someone look at that.” James mutters under his breath, swiping the keycard through another slot inside the ship’s airlock, closing the outer doors and opening the inner. Two of James’ guards stand at attention on either side of the doors, holding Needler rifles. "Hail, Master!" Both guards shout in unison as James and his companion walk into the main hall. The hall comes to a T-junction. James stops and sighs. “It’s good to be home.” Signs are painted on the wall; faded yellow arrows with white lettering read ‘Bridge’ and ‘Conference Hall’. James turns right, following the conference hall sign.
Their footwear clanks on the metal floor panels as they traverse the hallway. They approach large double doors on their left side. Another sign painted on the wall reads ‘Living Areas’ with the smaller words ‘Mess Hall, Staff Lounge, Crew Quarters’ underneath. Pressing a button on the wall panel, the doors slide open with a drawn out groan. Two more guards on either side, identical to the guards before, are standing at attention. “Hail, Master!” James waves his hand. “At ease.” Before them sits a table of bronze colored metal. Large and long, the table seems built into the floor. Atop the table is a pile of packages; clear plastic wrappings take the form of orange pillows in the shape of a pyramid.
“I’m sure you know what this is.” He stands on the right side of the room and places his hands on the edge of the table. Leaning against the table, he turns and places the small of his back against it, crossing his arms. He looks to the two guards. “Bring in the good stuff. It’s stashed in lockup, down corridor C.” The guards stomp their boots together; acknowledging their orders, they turn and walk out without saying a word. Chuckling to himself, James looks at Mr. Morningstar. “I love it when they do that. Care for a drink?”
James turns and walks to a corner where a wooden roll-top desk, very similar in color to the wall panels, sits alone. Lifting the top and pushing it in, he reveals the desk is being used as a small bar. Crystal decanters line the desk’s main shelf with custom wooden slots built in to hold them in place; red velvet lining protects the decanters from scratches. Grabbing a decanter labeled ‘Scotch’, James retrieves a glass from an upper shelf of the desk and pours a generous portion. “You can drink the same thing as me if you’d like, in case you are worried about poisons.” James gives a sly grin, before laughing aloud.
He sets out a second, empty class for Mr. Morningstar as the doors suddenly open. The guards walk in with women in chains. Six of them, all young and of every race, wearing shiny, solid colored, gold or silver bikini outfits. The girls, shivering, whimper lightly with ball gags in their mouths. James looks over at the women, and then back to Mr. Morningstar, “That’s… Uh… To keep them quiet, while you… “Examine” them. We don’t want them to ruin your concentration.” He takes a drink from his glass of Scotch as he reaches out and passes two fingers gently across a slave girl’s chest as she cringes.
“These items are all technically of legal age, but if you prefer, we have women of just as high a quality with more… Experience? With age comes wisdom, eh? Or if you like them less than legal, we can get you that too. Nothing quite like the naïveté of youth.” Turning, James walks to the end of the conference room and presses a hidden button on the wall panel, opening a secret door at the far end of the room. As the door slides open, a dim golden light streams in. “This hall will take you to a small chamber. I’ve found it’s only use is for “testing” the quality of merchandise and the bed is big enough for three or more.” James brings the drink to his lips. “Any samples that you wish to try out?” He takes a drink, watching to see Mr. Morningstar’s reaction.
User was banned for: Roleplaying Child Sex Slave operations
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As he entered his guest ship, a poor sense of decoration and opulancy was in his face. Lucius as the excentric and ego-centric man would rather have more luxury then practicality, but who was he to judge the taste of his guest. The ship filled with all those grotescue colors was filled with this odor that he never seem to imagine along side some brutes of soliders, but he was here for his goals and not to critic the testes of the Slaver's Union when it came to their ships.
After some time of a walk they have finally reached the conferance hall where a poor joke was presented to him. *Yes indeed I would love to drink and If it comes to poison you guys won't be leaving this harbour in one piece* and he reaches for the bottle of scotch on the table and takes two sips from directly form the cristal or something that seems to be cristal bottle and during this hole time he was having an evil grin on the corner of his right cheeck. *If you have the same taste in women as you have in scotch then we will be doing a lot of things together*, but before he could get the chance to finish his sentance the room is filled with this metallic screack and creack of the doors from which 5 amazing and stunning girls come from in this not so vaste variety of beath suits. As they are brought near him he looks at them and he is complete awe.
*I must admit that those are charming whores, not women since there is nothing distinct about their beauty that would make me keep one in better conditions, but I guess they need to performe good in bed not sleep in fine beds and sleep in fine silk clothing, but I will do that anyway since they are the only ones I have at this moment, but As i am sure they are gonna learn what it is to sleep in some dark room on some bad best. That must be horrible I can't even begin to imagine. Anyway let me examine these beings closer* After his short monologue he comes one step close to the girls in his eyes pop a Kusarian tall girl with not to much when it comes to body, but a splendind face and something that looked with Corsair origin with those amazing curves and lines on her body. From his complete silance he just mutters *Splendid*. Since the girls had balls in their mouths he decided to remove the balls from the mouth of the Kusarian Girl and the Corsair Girl. After that he looks right in the eyes of the Corsair spits in his face swearing in her mothers tongue. This leaves a ugly grin on Lucius face and he turn right to James
*Could you take care of this girl for me and give me one more minute* After he finished the sentance he turn back to the girls and heads to the Kusarian Girl. *Now tell me love, what is your name?* he asked gently while silently the girl raises her hand in front of Lucius as she tries to wipe the spit of his face. *Now that is splendid, tell me what is your name love?*. Moments of silance fell on the room when the girl starts to talk.
*My...My...My name is Suzaki, s...sir!* Without a word Lucius grabs the Kusarian girl and another girl and head down the corridor into the testing room. After a while he comes back and simply says *What is the price for those 4 girls?* And as he sits down on one of the chairs of the conferance hall and leans back while he asks Suzaki to come sit in his lap he takes another sip from his glass of scotch and looks at James.
*Now tell me what would be the terms of me obtaining from the Slaver's Union around 2.500 units oof cardamine monthly and when I need girls they could be supplied on demand?*
Adrianna walked into one of the many bars on Barrier Gate Station, this one was named: Death & Co. Fun name.
The name however seemed very deceiving once inside. The interior is not as most would expect, most would think of booming and quarreling drunks. In truth the bar was relaxed and quiet. Perfect.
Adrianna walked through the bar, scoping it out almost. She noticed there were several corners where one could sit reclusively and assumingly remain undisturbed. Given her background and current state this would most likely be best. Adrianna walked over slowly, the corner she had chosen had just enough light to see and there was no one in the intimidate area.
When she sat down she grabbed two items from her jacket, a datapad and a small snack. She started her datapad up and then looked across the bar once more, making sure that she had a clear view of the door in case there were any new arrivals, friendly or otherwise.
Holdan, returning from his Tau-29 patrol, just exited from Baffin Jump Hole. Took a look at the familiar asteroid field, named The Barrier. Charged his Nyx' cruise engine and instead of going Sabah Shipyard and then Ambrosia Bar, he chose to take a look at one of Barrier Gate Station's bars. After he docked at the Gate, he saw the list and locations of various bars. Among all the lawful and unlawful filled bars, he chose Death & Co. He couldnt tell why he did that, yet went in the bar anyway. For such depressing and dark name, the bar was ironically relaxed. He went near bartender and wanted something strong. After he got his drink, he looked for somewhere to sit. Sat near the girl he noticed when he entered. He didnt like being 'under the spot' at all, despite leading 52th squadron's bomber wing and giving orders around. Something became his nature from LSF days, being in the shadows... Shortly after he sat, he saw how the bar was lonely aside from the girl at next table and a minority scattered around. In an attempt to start a conversation and getting along with the girl in such lonely bar, he turned to her. "Greetings, what a lonely bar isnt it? You seem to be a Hunter or Freelancer, like most folks around arent you?"
Looking at the man that had approached her, not so subtly, Adrianna’s face looked confused. It is as if she hadn’t the slightest clue on how to respond. Pausing, her eyes began to dart around the man, making mental notes and judgements of him.
Adrianna, after what now must have been a 10 second pause, spoke in a somewhat nervous tone “Uhh… Y..Yeah. I guess. I am not really from around here…” It is clear to most people that she is worried about something.
Chris walked into the bar with hope to find a job here. He was running low on credits and also wanted some action. His ship was still not welcomed in Liberty space so he had not so many options to choose. And all because of LPI bureaucracy.
He sat and ordered an "Old Alfred Drink". He looked relaxed at the first glance, but inside he was like a cocked gun. This place was too famous among pirates and smugglers. He was old and wise enough to not get fooled by the calm atmosphere and fancy-looking interiors.
He took a look around to find a potential employer. Few people were staring at him but they haven't looked too representative and trusty to get something from them.
Soon, his attention has returned to the drink. He was sure that he was noticed by the right people, so he had the patience and was ready to order some more of this fine whiskey.
...He was sitting there for almost four hours, and no one came to him. He was a bit drunk, bored, and his head was filled with depressed thoughts. He was even thinking about entering that alien gate again to the south of the station. Interesting things out there... as interesting, as deadly. Liberty Battlecruiser, weapons platforms at least, who knows what else. No, he better get his hands on something more armored and more powerful than his fighter before going there again. Or get a couple of companions...
He looked around for the thirty-third time with the same result. He released the air from his lungs, trying to calm himself down.
He's definitely just wasting his time here.
He pulled a tasty cigar out of his pocket. An archaic lighter appeared in his hand. A bright flame touched the cigar and a first breath of smoke came out. Nothing is better to calm down your nerves than a good smoke.
He leaned back and decided to leave this place in the next twenty minutes. He felt sleepy after all.