This is to keep track of my characters.
You can leave your feedback freely, if you had RP with any of them.
And refrain from hate posts!
P.S: This was inspired by @Skorak, so thanks to her ;3
Name: Michel De Grasse
Age: 26
Birth: 31/07/797 A.S.
Origin: Planet Marne, Champagne, Gallia
Part 1: Early life, Marne and the Council
Part 2: The battle of Languedoc and Orkney, the fall of Reunion and the escape.
Part 3: Low profile in the Border Worlds, escort experience, the Coalition.
Name: Karl Verstappen
Age: 25
Birth: 798 A.S.
Origin: Verstappen Family House, Planet Stuttgart
Biography: Son of farmers, ever since he was a child, Karl learned that success requires sacrifices the hard way. Due to his low social exctraction, he never had proper scholar instruction, yet he is able to learn and understand things quickly. By working in the family farm, he managed to rack up enough money to pay the flight school, where he graduated with optimal results. Knowing that his family needed a more solid income, he decided to enroll in the Rheinland Military, where he quickly rised to the rank of Feldwebel, the highest among low-ranked personnel. He was always loyal to his land and to the Military, and he would patrol Rheinland every single day. However, as of today, his current location is unknown. Sources said to have sighted him in the Omicrons, along with a mysterious group called "The Oracles".
Karl Richtofer
Age: 28
Birth: 795 A.S.
Origin: Downtown Stuttgart, Planet Stuttgart
Part 1: Early life and Synth Foods employment.
'I was born to Clarissa and Hans Richtofer, both being transport pilot for Repubblican Shipping. My grandparents - that I never manage to get to know as they died before I was born - were said to have ties to the LWB movement, although it was never fully know to anyone. But I digress.
My early life was enjoyable as I had the possibility of travelling with my parents whenever I could. I managed to absorb a great load of culture that would have come in handy during my schooling years. Every now and then we would return to Stuttgart in order to enjoy holidays at our family's farm. My schooling days werern't exceptionally special, and there's little to tell. After I came to age, I managed to acquire the licences to fly both snubcrafts and transports (that is, after the hard exams I had to undergo). I had been given the coice to join Repubblican, like my parents did,
I kindly denied the offer, and instead joined Synth Foods. During the first year, I flew all sorts of transports in, out and around Sirius, and I also managed to acquire a personal transport for myself. Nevertheless. in the second year, I mostly flew food supplies around the places. One day,
I was headed to Stuttgart as I did ask a period of leave. As my shuttle landed, I saw a scene that will forever remain in my memories: two Synth Foods employees evicting a farmer family as their land was bought by Synth Foods. I approached the employees and asked them why were they doing this. Their answer was 'because we were ordered to'. When I did ask them if what they were doing was the right thing, they just laughed in my face. That was the breaking point. With unhuman reflexes, guided my rage, I unsheathed my handgun d shot those employees in cold blood.
Shortly thereafter, I took that family with me to my shuttle, where we got into my personal transport, and hightailed away from Stuttgart. As soon as we were away enough to deem ourselves safe, I changed my ships' transponders, and flew to the nearest LWB station - Darmsdadt, where I unloaded my guests.'
Part 2: LWB activities, change of views and approach to the DWR.
'The following two years went by under the banner of the LWB movement. While I did some smuggling for them, I did rather opt to obtain a set of ships in order to directly head in the field anytime. Accustoming myself to the LWB way of doing things was pretty difficult at first, but it then became pretty automatic, even muuch so that by the end of the first year, I did rack up lots of kills, especially against Synth Foods. However...
...a year passed, and I did develop a newer view of Rheinland's actual status: its higher tiers being corrupted, mystery shrouding the actions of the Bundestag, of the Military and -even worse- of the BDM, as well as fellow commoners being treated unaccordingly to their unjust status and situations. However, my thoughts didn't collide with the LWB ideals, and I was asked to make a choice: remain within the LWB and follow their ideals,or leave. I chose the latter.
After having loaded my ships in my transport's cargo hold, I departed Darmsdadt, headed to Freeport 1, in the Omegas, wishing to stay away from Rheinland for a while. I had to recollect my thoughts. I became a Freelancer out of necessity, taking the odd job here and there. One day, while escorting a ship through Frankfurt to Mainz, I encountered a Bundschuh pilot, with which I exchanged words and thoughts. He directed me to the DWR, described as 'a fledgling side in the vastity of the Bundschuh movement', and gave me the allowances to head to Bruchsal and apply. And that's how I came to you.'
He rose quickly through the ranks, occupying the position of Oberst. However, he went MIA during an expedition to a secluded station in the Sigmas. Location currently unknown.
'Sup everyone!
- Retconned the characters of Maximillian Largo and Ivano Risi.
- Maximilllan Largo's info spoiler cleared
- RP plans underway...You'll see soon ;3
More news coming later!
"It's not a compliment, it's a matter of fact. I never saw you whining about stuff when it didn't go your way, you never do ooRP-arranged stuff, you're active, you're good at playing your character ingame and you're neutral enough to not end up as a clown infront of the community."
- Updated Larry Macduff's info spoiler
- Added Michel De Grasse to the table
- All listed characters (save the ???? ones) have been listed to activ
- Added character ship roster
Remember to leave RP feedback as well, if you do encounter any of my ships!
I really enjoy the idea of gallic SCRA member and I even have admit, that I was suprised. Good work.
Thanks. Said concept was troubling at first as I didn't know if gauls could into SCRA. After @Tabris told me that I could do such a character, I threw myself into it. And here he is.