Priority: Very High
To: BAF Captains
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
As you have already been informed, we are at war with the Red Hessian Army. There is a possibility that we face one of their infamous Jormugand-class battleships. But worry not, the Dunkirk-class is superior if equipped fittingly.
All Dunkirk-class ships intended to defend the Kingdom of Bretonia against the Jormugand-class are to mount at least two (2) Cerberus turrets. Following that, they are instructed to use charge against the Jormugand-class.
I trust the above is sufficiently clear. Long live Queen Carina the First.
Priority: High
To: BAF Primary and Secondary Fleets
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
Captains, pilots,
Following the outbreak of hostilities with the Red Hessian Army all action against Cadiz Base in the System of Omega-5 is to be HALTED until further notice.
Priority: Very High
To: BAF Primary and Secondary Fleets
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall
Location: HMS Norfolk, Cambridge System
Captains, pilots,
All Red Hessian ships caught within the borders of the Kingdom of Bretonia are to be destroyed immediately, instead of escorted out. The purpose of this is stimulating the Red Hessian Army to reinstate our non-aggression pact.
Nevertheless, prisoners are to be treated humanely. We intend to return them one day, hopefully soon.