The Republic has betrayed it's beliefs. It has succumbed to pressure from those within the corporate sector, particularly Republican Shipping to reach an accord with the nefarious Republic of Liberty when it was clear that our Military Forces could have won the war, however the Bundestag has let it's greed overcome it's courage and zeal for Rheinland. Selling out to corporations from Liberty such as Universal Shipping and Deep Space Engineering amongst others for profit.
Like us you too have seen what they have done, what must be done to ensure that this travesty does not go silently into the night. Like us you believe that this Federal Republic has failed in it's duty to it's people, it's country and itself. A stronger leadership is needed to do what must be done, to ensure that Rheinland's needs, not Liberty's, is ensured and our pride is restored once again.
This Republic must be torn down and a new order shall be established in it's place, one that does not answer to Corporations nor to corrupt 'parties' such as the Bundschuh or the Nationalist Parties. Rheinland needs you freunde. Will you answer the call of the Eagle? Or will you wallow in the failures of the Republic? If you seek to return our house to a time when it truly was strong, was a marvel to be admired and not trifled with than join us, the Knights of the Eagle under the Kaiser's strong hand shall return us to that era and ensure that our destiny is achieved.