Weeeeell well. You younguns seem really intrested in me life, eh? fraid is not soming Im willin tah disclose without soming as return. Whats you be willin to offer to lil ol me for this ere top notch story of tha Life of lil Bonnie and Clyde?
For someone who has everything they could every want in life, I have very little to offer you Maam. However, Im willing to listen to any demands you may have, and depending on my influences, I will answer in honest truth if I will be able to satisfy your needs.
The Sheepskin Bar, Planet manhatten, New york System...
It had been a long while since anyone had been intrested in Me and and Clyde. True, Ol Clydes been dead neara a decade naw, and Iv finished serving me time in prison, but it aint stopped our fan base from growin. This latest stranger ere is curious bout mine and ol clydes life, but thats not some infermation im willin tah show da world jus like that naw am i? fter all, I got me a set o mouth tah feed.
Born in dat hole known as East Morlington State ospital (which be all crumlin apart naw anyway) to ma old man, Jebidah Parker and ma lovely mother, Eleanor Parker, I was the third to come in tha family of 5 sibings. Life wa never a bed o roses, and while I had tah work with Daddy and Uncle Fred in the farms to earn a decent livin, I never seemed to find me life unsatisfying, y know what ah mean?
Living in a barn in the fields of a lanlord in the countryside o Manhatten, I grew up carefree amongs me siblins, in da age o da Econimic crisis tha struck us bad.That was, until I came o age. 17. Thats when I realised, me life was missin its own Zing, ysee? Ocourse, you neva know what it is that you be missin till it smacks ya in tha face harder than a bouldah that falls on yer body from a great height, yknow what ah mean?
It was the time when them folk.. them Zeeners started springin up everywhere, like a rat-plague that had infested the whole o dat city on whats-its-name Planet Pittsburg. They reeeeeeeally- hated da law, dem Zeeners, but cant really blame dem folk I mean you would hate da law too if you saw some of da atrocities dem lot did tahwards us lower class folk...
The Sheepskin Bar, Planet manhatten, New york System...
Naw it ain me place to be tellin noone how tah live their lives, but ah do expectm tah return da daym faver, yknow wha I mean?
Clyde M. Barrow was born in da Coloradah System, to a middle classed family livin on Planet Denver at da time. He was da first of three siblins, and was da only lad in tha family. Naw ah ner got tah askin Ol Clyde how he came to be on Planet Manhatn, but someway or da other, he and is family made it aboard a Junkers transport. Funny thing be, dat Junker was carryin him a load o cardimine as well, and didn get himself caught. Just goes tah show da lax in security, really.
Aaanyway, Clyde and his family came tah live near our house. They were bout four miles out away from us, but in a much more secluded area. Our house was nearer to da Highway (if ye please), so our famly new bout anythin new that happened in the area.
Suffice tah say, wed be da first tah know if Libertys uselessness was cleansed by dem green space-suited foreigners, dem rhienlaynders, yknow wha ah mean? A new family movin inta da hood was always welcomed with smiles. After all, its not vryday a new famly moves into our hood. When ah first saw dat red car, loaded to da brim with lugguage and people, Ah ran after it wit an excited grin on mah face, wavin and cheerin at the car tha was vanishin of inta da horizon.
The las thing ah saw was a young boys face poppin outta dat car, lookin back at me, wit da biggest sheepish grin on his face before he broke out inta a vigerous lil wayve. Ah burst out gigglin and ran back toward me home...