As previously noted, I'm interested in a scientific analysis of two marked locations, what makes these areas special is that they both had hyperspatial anomalies that were temporarily formed by unknown means when the K'Hara initiated several raids on the local area. Naturally, my curiosity is piqued. As you remember, even if we were to check these points, we couldn't - as the lawful side of the local populace has a rather strong, eh, distaste for us. Same could be said for the unlawful side too.
Either way, what I'm asking you to do is to analyse these points:
The thing that makes these points of interest special is that they were points where the anomalies were generated, opening the link to where-ever those Nomads came from.
I'm interested in finding out:
•Type of energy.
•Details of the gravitational disturbance.
•The trace of the anomaly - if possible.
•Well - anything and everything, really.
Data and information is important to me, there's no really specific as to what is gathered here, as every little bit helps. I also ask you on this job to be completely disclosed between you, me, and the Inner Phalanx (high command) of our people.
As such, I offer 175.000.000 credits as a compensation for completing this mission. Should you accept, some data upon this situation will be automatically forwarded to you to assist you in this job.
This is the recorded data that I managed to obtain when present at these said events. Although, I'm no scientist - and my people are busy with other projects. Make what you will with these pieces of data - the image data has the energy recordings embedded, send it through a decompiler to receive it to further views. All found data is to be forwarded to this secure channel. I thank you for your assistance on this matter.
CONNECTED ID: Sapphire Raven RANK: Keeper TOPIC: Data Logging
Ish'Tar & Anomaly
Ish'tar was heard but not sighted in Pennyslyvania yet again, this time, coming with an intent to pester the locals. It appeared to have opened up some kind of anomaly that allowed Nomads to pour through.
Most curious, but unfortunately, the anomaly closed before I could do any intensive mediocre scanning.
While it has only been a week we do have some results to report to you. We have encountered a Tribal Nomad by the name of K'Hara|Nemesis. While I won't bore you with the details of our entire conversation I have included it in an attachment below. The gist of the conversation is that the Tribal Nomads are aware of Baxter Objects and do use them in some capacity. Unfortunately our Hyperspace Survey Module is unable to find any evidence of a direct connection to any known Nomad System. We have, however, found evidence of other Baxter Objects. Well what I should say is we have found evidence of Baxter 'like' Objects. They could be stabilizing or destabilizing natural wormholes or something far more sinister.
Moving on. The Pennsylvania location has indicated via Hyperspace Surveys that there is an entry point somewhere between the Pennsylvania system and the Kansas system. Further surveys within Kansas would be required to pinpoint its location.
The New York location has indicated that there are several entry points, the closest definitive point we could identify was somewhere within the Alberta system.
Before we continue with the research I would like some indication of where you would like us to focus our efforts. After all, your the one paying for it.
I'm glad to hear that you've made some progress, although it's a little startling that the K'Hara have been... 'checking up' on you - nevertheless - if you require escorts, we'd be more than happy to provide protection.
I advise going against the idea of surveying Kansas, as it - eh... well... Just trust me on this one that you really don't want to survey a particular object or field in that system. I'm fully aware of the speculation between that system and Pennsylvania. Which is a seperate matter. I hope.
For the focus of the mission, I would recommend setting the pin-point at the Pennsylvania incident. If you struggle to find spatial data concerning the incident, move on to the New York occurance, as it seemed to attract more attention.
Side note, I have to say that I am so terribly sorry for keeping you waiting for this response, being sick has it's uh... not-benefits? I guess? Oh well.
Keep up the assiduous operations. You're doing well so far.
My most sincere apologies for the delay in response. Due to the outbreak in tensions within Liberty the majority of the crew demanded that I return them to their port of call. I have just recently returned to house space with what is hopefully a stronger crew. I intend to return to actively studying the two locations once an equipment upgrade is processed.
James Blake
Commander R/V-Okeanos.Explorer