Join now! if you don't have a transport you will be provided with a Vache or Taureau! EFL Oil and Machinery
Corporate Information(stolen from wiki ):
Unlike the other colonies in Sirius, the planets of Ile-de-France and other core systems of Gallia proved to have abundant supplies of oil. Utilizing nearly limitless oil deposits was more efficient for building up the new House than using other types of fuel and alternative means of generating energy.
In 234 A.G.S., a giant corporation named EFL Oil, of which the Crown owned a majority share, was formed to control all extraction, transportation, and processing of oil throughout Gallia.
In 440 A.G.S., when space colonization was on the rise, EFL absorbed several large shipbuilding and engineering companies, becoming EFL Oil & Machinery. In its new state, the corporation was responsible for building many of the currently operating Gallic space station, including several shipyards and space colonies.
Nowadays, EFL is the largest corporation in Gallia, with the total value of its enterprises estimated to be five hundred billion credits, and the number of employees counting as high as six million.
It is operating in virtually every field of the Gallic economy, both planet side and in space. In addition to building stations, the corporation is also one of the largest station operators in Gallic space. Despite the enormous damage caused by the Second Gallic War, EFL had sizable reserves that were used to compensate the losses. Yet, reserves are easily depleted, and the war is not yet over. Moreover, the Sirius invasion is now under way, which also puts the company under considerable strain due to its contracts with defence agencies and with the Royal Navy in particular.
Other corporations operating in Gallic space are either smaller, like IDF or Solar, or are less dependent on the government, like GMS. EFL is often considered the symbol of the excessive involvement by the Crown in Gallia's economy, which makes the corporation a favored target for terrorist groups like the Maquis. All these factors combined are expected to cause serious problems for the corporations long term finances unless it undertakes significant restructuring.
When the Ile-De-France arrived in what later would be called the Gallic Sector and the first colonies were established, surveyors soon discovered vast amounts of oil throughout Gallic territory. While oil is inferior to fusion or dark matter generators when it comes to space ship propulsion or military applications, it is well suited as a cheap, safe and reliable fuel for civilian cars and industrial machinery.
While the Gallic Crown possessed a monopoly on the extraction, transportation and refining of this "black gold" during the early years of the Empire, a company named EFL Oil and Machinery quickly made it's way to the top in the second century of Gallic settlement. Through the assimilation of many smaller companies the originally rather small company soon became the economic powerhouse it is today, owning whole stations, trade lanes and even shipyards.
EFL Oil and Manufacturing Department
EFL made most of its riches by mining the vast oil deposits in Gallia and currently supplies petrol to all Gallic spacecraft. EFL currently has 8 manufacturing stations that produce almost everything that is needed to support the Gallic Royal Navy and Police fleets. Also EFL OMD is responsible for resupplying stations with any consumer and non consumer goods that they request.
Produced goods
Prometheum is a rare element that is highly radioactive and chemically unstable. The major use of Prometheum is as a catalyst that allows Gallic engines to run at a safe temperature, while not being consumed itself. There are also a number of specialist research and medical applications for this element. The Gallic Royal forces are desperately trying to prevent its export from Gallia.
/*Mining machinery need to check if we make das thing*/[/size]
A polymer is a large molecule of high relative molecular mass composed of five or more monomers, smaller molecular structures repeated over and over to form the polymer. While the simplest of polymers have only five monomers, typical polymers contain hundreds or thousands of monomers, and some advanced polymers stretch into chains of millions. Because of their physical and chemical characteristics, polymers have a tremendous range of uses and are ubiquitous within the technology and consumer products industries.
Chemical products manufactured from petroleum or other hydrocarbons are classified as petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are used in a large variety of products and manufacturing processes including detergents, fertilizers, medicines, paints, plastics, synthetic fibers, and synthetic rubber. Petrochemicals' effects on their surroundings range from harmless to toxic or corrosive, and may be stable, highly flammable, or explosive.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, or LPG, consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that have been cooled to a liquid state. LPG can be used as a low density fuel source for terrestrial vehicles, generators, and machines, along with various consumer applications, and may also be used as a refrigerant. Hydrocarbon gases are often transported in a liquefied state due to volume constraints, then allowed to decompress for use as a gaseous fuel.
Gallic Industrial economies rely heavily on the abundance of natural fuel oil to power engines, produce electricity, and manufacture a wide variety of products. Due to its non-polarity, oil does not easily adhere to other substances. This makes oil useful as a lubricant for various engineering purposes. Gallic engines use a form of fusion known as the CNO cycle, a process that occurs naturally inside stars. Unlike stars, Gallic technology cannot recycle the carbon, it is converted to nitrogen in the fusion process.
Munitions are the expendable components of combat, and include bullets, bombs, missiles, warheads, mines, and other projectiles or explosives that are detonated or cannot be reused after being fired. Munitions that detonate may cause the detonation of other nearby munitions, thus causing shipments and stockpiles to be carefully safeguarded by their owners, and are important targets for enemy attacks.
Plastics are typically formed from polymers of high molecular mass, and may contain a large variety of additives to affect their physical properties. Due to their relatively low cost, versatility, and ease of manufacture, plastic has been used as a substitute for many natural materials such as wood, stone, metal, glass, and ceramic. A major source of plastic precursors is petroleum.
EFL Specialized Transport and Construction
EFL STC is responsible for shipping and constructing trade lanes and gates, resupplying stations and battleships, building space stations. STC also works on transporting Royal Navy casualties out of hostile territory. STC shipping vessels are highly armored and is the second riskiest department to work in all of EFL.
Registered ships
EFL Security and Escort
EFL Security and Escort is a highly-trained EFL security branch, whose purpose is to protect the company's assets. Rumours has it that the branch hasenormous paycheck, due to the risk of escorting transports in hostile space. The branch has access to Gallic Royal Navy Perilous - class gunboats to ensure that company’s transports will not be lost to terrorists or hostile armed forces.
Current contracts
Missions EFL Oil and Manufacturing Department
Supplying the Royal Navy shipyards with enough material required for ship construction and maintenance.
Supply police and newly built(//player) stations.
Ensure that EFL bases are stocked with material goods they need that they would produce at highest capacity.
Scrap and salvage any useful remains of ships and metal found in Gallia.
EFL Specialized Transport and Construction
Build new trade lanes and gates as soon as possible.
Transport Royal Navy casualties to treatment facilities.
Supply marines and material goods to battleships, stations and planets that are in hostile territory.
EFL Security and Escort
Escort EFL transports and protect them from terrorists and other threats.
Help Royal Navy and Police if they are engaging threats of Gallia.
Offer escort services to other lawful corporations of Gallia or companies that are neutral or friendly with the Crown.
EFL Ship naming EFL trains and transport ships
[EFL-Shipname (Ship name should be named after French royal palaces)
Example: [EFL-Clagny
EFL escorts
[EFL-Name.Surname or [EFL-Codename
Example: [EFL-Donald.McDonald
EFL used ships Transports
"Taureau" Gallic Assault Transport
"Vache" Gallic Train
"Pachyderme" Gallic Advanced Train Liners
"Lucullus" Gallic Liner Escorts
"Serval" Gallic Heavy Fighter
"Sunbeam" Gallic Civilian Heavy Fighter
"Lynx" Gallic Very Heavy Fighter
"Perilous" Gallic Royal Navy Gunboat
EFL Oil and Machinery Board
EFL Oil and Machinery is a huge corporation and currently acts like 3 different companies. Each branch is led by a director.
Chief Executive Officer
Oversees the whole concern that it would work efficiently.
Chief Negotiations Officer
Organises new contracts, ensures good stance with friendly and neutral companies.
Directors Board
Director of Oil and Manufacturing Department.
Director of Specialized Transport and Construction Department.
Director of Security and Escort Department.
Bonus system
Bonus system makes sure that you will get approximately the same amount of cash you get by hiring a miner and selling aluminium ore on Planet Leeds. People will be granted the bonuses as soon as you report them in the reporting facility. There is an approved list of routes that this bonus system works on to not let people abuse it.
EFL escorts will get a bonus the same amount as 35% of cargo value sold by the transport captain(only counts as long as it is reported by the transport captain of successful haul to his destination. EFL escorts will get 50% of cargo value sold by the transport captain if they stop a pirate attempt.
If you dont have a transport you will be provided with one.
PM me and add your skype id.
EFL in Gallia is probably the richest company but only thanks to commodities that are mostly used in Gallia. Currently EFL is searching for partners outside of Gallia to help enter Sirius market.
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Metal Service
Gallic quasi-lawfuls
Independant Miners Guild
Rheinland lawfuls and unlawfuls
Kusari lawfuls
Gas Miners Guild
Gallic Brigands
Bretonian lawfuls
Liberty lawfuls and unlawfuls
Kusari Unlawfuls
Most of this is grammar nazi'd by @Ramke ™.
Its been a while since I played disco, so forgive me if I forgot to add something. Please tell me your opinion. I tried to make this as clear and tidy as I can. If you want to join just simply PM me if you dont have a transport you will be provided with one.
Edit1: It seems that all luxury liners were sold to IDF. Added the bonus system!