How quaint.
You seem to think you're in a position to negotiate the terms of how we conduct our investigation, but that isn't the case. Everyone has a right to defend themselves, and I'm not sending unarmed people in to an unknown situation. I've spoken to the Head of the Confederation myself and even he is a little concerned about this scenario. He'd rather we do our jobs and be done with this scenario.
As for clearing your name, it's already been swept from our Database and a notice sent to the Professorship. What they decide to do with it is up to them.
As for the search, the Andraste will be dispatched to Livadia shipyard with its commanding officer, Sentinel Pike, and three Guardians who will board the vessel via the docking bridge on Livadia with their equipment - personal weaponry included - to conduct a basic sweep of the ship. We don't care about your database. If nothing out of the ordinary is found, then this matter will be closed, but I warn you: Attempt anything, conceal something, try and harm those people, and you will not like watching your ship be blown to pieces before it even has a chance to activate its engines.
Cross us, and perish. Simple as that. The vessel has already been dispatched and the commanding officer will now handle this matter.
In that case, my crew and the Zoners will carry weapons as well.
Your people won't enter anything without a Livadian Zoner and one of my crew with them. Everything will be watched. If you don't have anything to hide, then there won't be a problem with that condition. Let's just get done with it, Curator.
You know, I'm quite equivocal of your nature, language and the way you're presenting yourself at the moment.
You seem to be missing the point here... Do you not want your name to be cleared? The point of the search is to provide ample evidence that you are indeed clear. Why you act so aggressively is beyond me, Ezrael Vertiga. Perhaps it is you who hides something. These are my people going out of their way to check your backgrounds just to clear your name, doing their job. You appear to be assuming that we're going to subjugate or to damage what assets you hold, no - that is not the case, we have no energy, resource or even desire to - not only that, it will be foolish to do so in the first place within a neutral zone, despite what your paranoia controls you to think of us.
You may be a 'mere Freelancer' but we must treat everyone the same when it comes to investigation. It's verification of clearance, it just adds to the evidence that you are clear. We hold no quarrel against you and are just simply doing our requested job, remember that. Do remember that these are my people, effectively my family, and if I find that your paranoia succumbs you and that they are harmed, well... You should be au courant of the natural reaction.
Let them do their job, so we can all go home and there will be no issue.
So you expect me to be careless enough to let four potentially well-trained, well-armed guys running around on my ship, expect me to grant them full access to all decks and rooms including critical ones, while my people are just mere Zoners and some Core defectors that never really got used to weapons? No. You want your people to be allowed to defend themselves, so I will permit mine the same, and that's only fair. You seem to think suspecting me to be indoctrinated is an excuse to allow you everything, beginning from actively ruining my reputation to blatantly add spontaneous new conditions to the agreements we made. It was your 'Curator' who asked me what Auxesia would get for sharing the information of me and Maren not being infected. He made an investigation a 'bargain', as he called it. You tried to force us to pick a side, but that won't happen. And weirdly enough, you also showed a sudden interest in my ship, just one day after Auxesia lost a battle in New York, having the Arktos severely damaged if not even worse. You claim to be the good guys, doing your jobs. From what I've seen so far, you only caused harm to me since my defection. So, please, excuse me for not blindly trusting you. If it makes you sleep better, don't take it personal, as I believe you are the more empathetic one, contrary to your friend Hunt, who's hobby it is to make sure equal footing is avoided.
But I guess you'll just try to find indicators of me being manipulated by saying this, won't you? So just let's get done with this. I informed Livadia about your people heading for us. Search my ship, try to find whatever you think might be there. The Zoners and my crew will watch your moves and they will defend themselves if your power rangers try anything funny. The Apahanta won't leave Livadia with your people onboard. So take your time.
I just wonder if you would allow foreign military people to inspect your ship as well would someone accuse you of being infected, Raven. Wouldn't you act similar?
You're letting your paranoia get the best of you. I can understand you're stressed and concerned, but you must keep calm. If we were going to 'steal' anything, we would be risking our only neutral diplomatic contact within the Omicrons, which is pretty major as we'll... you know, suffocate from resources. Second of all, the Arktos isn't quite destroyed. Just badly knocked up. Thirdly, we have literally no resources for maintaining *another* large vessel, as I previously stated. Nor do we want or care about your war vessel. No, it's not leaving, nor does it need to.
We're not seeking to ruin your reputation, and if it makes you feel any more comfortable, we were informed that you were potentially indoctrinated. We didn't make this up, we acted upon the word of it and from what we've seen you do in public. So excuse me if I'm not seeing the bigger picture here, Ezrael.
I'm not forcing you to pick a side, that's entirely your choice. I'm just saying as it is, there is a boundary between us and them. You are either part of the Mindshare, or you are not. That's how it is. And I learned that the hard way, which almost cost my life.
If I was claimed of being infested, I would. As long as it's not the size of a squadron, then it's fine. Yes, I'd be a little scared incase if someone was trying to rouse me, but, the more I complain, the more suspicious it'll paint myself in that scenario. We're sending four people over, Vertiga. Four. It doesn't matter if they're super skilled, as in the end they're heavily outnumbered, but too bad they're not, some of them are just Guardians.