As the courage in battle of Flag Officer Heskey's, Auxiliary Fleet, has been awarded with an imposing injury that he will surely be proud of for all his remaining life, if he is lucky enough to survive the day, the ships that he used to command require new captains. Those ships are the HMS Royal Enfield, a Crecy-class, and the HMS Hurricane, a Churchill-class. Any pilot, captain or retired pilot/captain of Her Majesty's with commanding abilities, schooling or experience, from the Reserve Fleet or, if the rank is sufficient, Primary, may apply to this audition. The audition will last until new captains are chosen. If those chosen are from the Reserve Fleet, they will join the Royal Fleet (BRF|). They will share command over their ships with other Royal Fleet captains or, if they are from the Primary, with other Primary Fleet captains.
The application form can be found below.
Captaincy Application Form
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname:
Region, House or Location of Origin:
Any useful experience and qualifications:
Ship you are applying to command:
Short biography:
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
If the journey was long and tiresome, and the destination bloody, what would you do to keep your crew's morale high?
Region, House or Location of Origin:
Planet New London, New London System
Any useful experience and qualifications:
Served a life in the Reserves, extensive knowledge in capital vessel warfare.
Ship you are applying to command:
The HMS Hurricane, Churchill-class.
I served for a life in the Reserve Fleet, and I had the chance to command various capital vessels. I feel that, despite my age, I can still serve my House at my fullest. Right now, the Crown needs every able pilot and captain to serve, and I want to be one of those.
Short biography:
Born and raised in Bretonia, Samuel always had the blood of the warrior. Having parents serving within the BAF, ever since his youth he decided to follow their steps. He did try to enlist within the Primary Fleet at 20, but he didn't meet the requirements. Nevertheless, he joined the Reserve Fleet as a pilot, flying a Crusader on patrol around Bretonia. He did made a name for himself within the Reserves, always heading straight-on against the Mollies in Dublin, or the Gaians in Edimburgh. At the age of 30, he was assigned as helm officer onboard a 'Dunkirk'-class, and the captain of said vessel often allowed him to lead the crew in House Space patrols. During a skirmish with a large Molly raider group, he was injured and was forced to take a leave from the Reserve Fleet. Nowadays, at the age of 40, he keeps serving under the Reserve Fleet, as he has always done. Even though his piloting skills would be no match for the younger pilots, he still is an excellent capital vessel captain.
He shall bring the might of the Crown upon his enemies.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
Carina. Regina. Imperatrix!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
Michelle O'Brian.
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
Mollies, Gaians, Corsairs, Gallic Royal Navy.
If the journey was long and tiresome, and the destination bloody, what would you do to keep your crew's morale high? Making them listen to BBC's positive news, as well as giving the crew free tea rounds. Making stops to friendly stations and places every now and then would also raise the crew's morale.
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? 10
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 7-7.5
What is your Skype address? starduster95
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? Nope.
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?
I agree.
The Armed Forces are a military faction and have command structure. Do you agree to follow orders of higher ranks?
I agree.
This is a chance to get free capital ships. Is there any other reason why you are applying for this? Yes: roleplay. My activity has dropped because of a lack of roleplay occasions, and I'd take up this occasion gladly.
*A man of medium height who is dressed in a red Bretonian Army uniform enters the room*
*The officer of captain's recruitment office looks at him*
?: Greetings, Sir. I am Richard Mace and I have been instructed
to bring an application to become a temporary captain of a bretonian warship.
Officer: Good Day, Sir. Sit down, please.
*Richard sits down in a chair*
Richard: Sir, I have brought my application with the copy of my
biography from bret. army recruitment center. Here it is.
*Richard puts papers on the table*
Captaincy Application Form
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname: Richard Mace
Age: 23
Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia, Planet Cambridge
Any useful experience and qualifications: Veteran of the war between Gallia and Bretonia. Has passed short training course for officers
Ship you are applying to command: I have not got a special order either for a cruiser or a carrier.
You have to decide what I can command better.
Motivation: I intend to move towards higher ranks of the Bretonian Fleet. Therefore, I must to get some experience in real capital vessels,
not in simulations on training bases. My command says I do it very good.
Short biography:
*A short biography from BAF recruitment center*
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto: "Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? -Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? - HMS-Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. - Gallic Royal Navy, SCRA, Corsairs, Gaians and Mollys , RHA
If the journey was long and tiresome, and the destination bloody, what would you do to keep your crew's morale high? - Let is say that we have no friendly stations near us.
So, I would tell a joke to my crew. I also would can say my officers to get some rest in their decks.
Attachment: Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? : 7-8
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? : Snubs - bad ; Caps - 8
What is your Skype address? - zeitpiraten
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? - I have never been sanctioned
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? - Of course, I agree it
The Armed Forces are a military faction and have command structure. Do you agree to follow orders of higher ranks? -Sure.
This is a chance to get free capital ships. Is there any other reason why you are applying for this? -I often see GRN attacks in Magellan and New London.
But I usually can't to repel them, because my vessels are in Omega-3 to fight against Hessians.
Officer: Thank you, Mr.Mace. That's all what needed is. You are free to go. God , Save the Queen!
Richard: Thank you, mister. Long life to the Queen!
*Richard leaves the room*
Region, House or Location of Origin: Planet New London, New London System, Bretonia
Any useful experience and qualifications: Commodore of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Ship you are applying to command: HMS Royal Enfield
Motivation: I need a more agile capital vessel to command apart from the York
Short biography: Admiralty Board only.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. - Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? -Michelle O'Brian.
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? -The Pendragon.
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. -Mollies, Gaians, Corsairs, Gallic Royal Navy.
If the journey was long and tiresome, and the destination bloody, what would you do to keep your crew's morale high? - That our sacrifice would not be in vain, and that our brothers and sisters are proud of us. That we are the stalwart defenders of Bretonia, and that our duty cannot be forsworn neither forgotten.
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. - Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? -Michelle O'Brian.
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? -The Pendragon.
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. -Mollies, Gaians, Corsairs, Gallic Royal Navy, Anna Heinrich.
If the journey was long and tiresome, and the destination bloody, what would you do to keep your crew's morale high? - RULE BRETONIA BRETONIA RULES THE WAVES!
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? Omega 11
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? I'm the greatest all around.
What is your Skype address? You got it.
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? I got banned for calling shiki a bad name in local then I got banned again for 1 day based off of frauded evidence. I then got sanctioned for buttcloaking that noob thunderer even though the sanction didn't break any rules.
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? I love you thunderer