From: The Office of the Premier
To: The IRG
Priority: MODERATE
[Message Begins]
"We are displeased, during a patrol in the Minsk System, or as Sirians call it 'Omega-9' one of our scouts encountered the IRG|Sanctuary under escort by Auxesia warships. When asked to half for a cargo scan they refused and even threatened our relations over this. This is not the way to treat us in our own territory. When the Coalition scout approached to conduct the scan he was repeatedly disrupted by Auxesia escorts while the Sanctuary left towards the Cambridge System.
This event has caused many in the Republic to second guess working with your scientists when their vessels apparently have no regard for Coalition laws. As such you are called to account for the behaviour of your Captain who has disrespected our laws, our people and our home. We want an answer why you and your escorts were so desperate to prevent a routine cargo scan. We do not like being threatened in the least. You have 24 hours to reply to this transmission. Should there be no reply we will conclude the IRG nolonger wishes to do business with the Republic and respond accordingly."
-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 3 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Dr. James Erzie :-_-_-_-_-
To whom it concerns,
First of all, I will not apologize for my own behavior, as it was me acting as captain of the vessel you question. Your pilot was not denied the ability to scan the IRG|Sanctuary, it was just requested that the vessel kept its distance, to which it seemed inclined to ignore. At that point, the Auxesians stepped in to protect their assets. We're aware of your laws, and your desire to administrate a system with essentially nothing in it is frivolous, is it not? It seems more like you're taking this personally, and that because you failed to get exactly what you wanted, you're acting in reprisal. Surely the Coalition, of all organizations, understands the desire and requirement of secrecy.
Let me also remind you that your organization is the benefactor in our previous exchanges, and we can afford dropping yours as our customer, though we both can agree that such a suggestion isn't in your best interests or ours. A simple infraction such as this does not constitute the loss that you seem to wish upon yourselves. Is there some other variable you aren't telling us? If so, please inform us, otherwise this issue seems out of unwarranted contempt for an organization that has only done well by our word and services.
Dr. James Erzie
Director; CEO
Ingenuus Research Group
From: The Office of the Premier
To: The IRG
Priority: MODERATE
[Message Begins]
"Telling us to 'Keep our distance if we value our relations' sounds very much like a threat, when you are ordered to stop for a Scan in Coalition territory you are to stop and yield to the scan. There is nothing more to say about that as it is our laws. Secrecy means little when it comes to the safety of our people and territories. For all we know your ship was carrying dangerous artifacts or a bio-weapon. The presence of Auxesia ships makes us even more suspicious as to the nature of the cargo onboard the vessel as they tend to deal with matters regarding the alien threats. If it be the Cultists of Technology whose technologies are unpredictable in nature to that which creeps out of the Omicrons who seeks to wipe out everyone.
While we are indeed involved in a business transaction with your organization we find it difficult to continue to do so with people unwilling to accept our laws and obey them in our own territories. This is your only notice. Should another incident of a similar nature happen again we will be dropping you and yours like one would a bad habit. We will not risk the safety of our Nation based on a 'secret cargo'. Next time you will obey or we will be parting ways, there is no ifs or buts about this. "