Database & Study
All scientific and geographical data concerning Planet Elgin is to be relayed to this channel for study. Reports will link in to this mission whilst it's available.
A expedition & research team has been successfully deployed down to Planet Elgin, setting up Outpost Alke for further usage in their goals.
The operation is managed by the following personnel from the science division: Maria Calvo, Imogen Jau. Teams will be assigned to seperate duties in order to achieve effective results.
Planetary scans have revealed that an ocean is detected below the ice, and has been marked out. Samples have been gathered to determine what the chemical composition is of the liquid.
Scouting teams have reported back with optimal locations for settlement, the data shows several different terrains with different properties that require deep investigation.
A canyon of ice falls deep into the planet’s ground, rippling through the valleys to the mountain ranges, acting as natural cover against the world's ever changing weather pattern.
Mountains that are scattered across the world, dominating the majority of the northern region, these range from small to tall mountains, increasingly getting more frequent as you venture deep into the region.
A peculiar occurrence where these crystalline ‘spines’ would seem to be forming on plains of ice, despite the fragile look, they show strong resilience against the planet’s even most challenging of weathers and even showed resistance against blasters. Chemical composition of these is unknown, nor are these formations known to occur in any other natural environment. Some spikes are recorded to be as high as 830 metres. Due to the density of some of these clusters, they can be a navigational hazard.
Translating Data...
Access is now permitted to the PRIME Unit designated Anomaly. They are here to assist us in developing a compound for construction, as such, they'll have relevant information provided to help develop the material.
Through thorough analysis and sampling of the aerosphere, we’ve managed to detect that the air is breathable, yet lacks 2% of the average requirement for recommended atmospheric conditions - 22% Oxygen, although health issues will pose minimal, there may be very rare cases of harmful psychological conditions. Other elements such as Nitogren, which is dominant within the atmosphere, and Hydrogen which are the two components of the air.
The composition of the atmosphere are as the following:
If the worst is assumed with the Oxygen levels, artificial means of rising the percentage is available, although the price of such will be demanding on a planetary scale. Smaller measures for utilizing plants or air exchangers on the station can be used to compensate for the lower percentage.
Supply Depot Hermes has been commissioned by the Inner Phalanx, located between the Mountain Range and the Canyons. The purpose of the Depot is to act as a storage for later stages of Colonisation, in preparation for future construction of the City.
All incoming resources for Project Orthosia must be safely secured here. Military elements are to be deployed for reinforcement of the site. Gunboats Ares, Viper and Redeemer have been directed to the sector.
Translating Data...
The anomalous construct that appeared in orbit has been refurbished as a temporary depot for supplies. This will be a temporary addition to our progress, as the platform is unstable.
After some internal consultations, here are the results of our investigations regarding your queries.
Concerning building materials: Our first recommendation is to forego the use of modern composite materials in your construction, particularly for any load-bearing components; composite materials tend not to do too well in extreme-temperature environments, since the differences in thermal expansion and contraction between the different ingredients usually rip those materials apart. Thus we recommend a homogenized composition, with ceramics and hydrocarbon-based materials being options worth considering. Regarding structural design, we do not recommend large expansions outwards if you are planning on hiding the units under the ice. Large sheets of ice usually exhibit behaviour that is reminiscent of tectonic activity, and may very well rip your installation apart if you are not careful.
To reduce detectability of a stationary, concealed structures, there are three recommendations. First, use what you refer to as the "Faraday cage" concept to completely isolate your base.
This will make it invisible to most passive sensors in our database. If you need to implement communications, place a line-of-sight transmitter a large distance from the base, linked only with shielded hardware to mask any activity, and use it to bounce a signal to a space-bound relay positioned and disguised so that it appears to be relaying a message from an entirely different location, if not another solar region entirely. In the case of the failure of such a setup, have a regular communication suite as backup inside of the Faraday shielding, to be deployed if needed.
The second recommendation is to diffuse any emissions not blocked by the Faraday shielding. For example, depending on your method of power generation, anything from gamma radiation to subspace distortions may be projected. We are not authorized to share with you the methods to deal with the latter, thus we recommend that you do not use any singularity-related power sources for your base. As for thermal radiation, we recommend deploying heatsinks deep below the base, using flexible connections to avoid damage from the pseudo-tectonic activity of the ice.
The third, and perhaps most important recommendation is to disguise your mass signature. Our records show that Sirian sensor technology relies heavily on the detection and analysis of gravitational distortions to scan large volumes of space in a relatively short period of time. The denser a material is, the more it will 'glow' to those sensors. However, we do not know how much accuracy is permitted by your technology level. As such, we recommend building large, spacious structures, so that the effective density of the whole structure is lower.
The degree to which you do this is for you to determine.
An appropriate location was decided upon between the divisions. A stable valley between a section of mountains, providing ample visual and wind cover. Geophysical surveying has determined a large opening - likely a cavern - lay beneath this area which will allow us to act upon the heatsink proposal made by the PRIME unit, as well as open the opportunity of a sub-terrainian facility for scientific and security purposes.
In addition, several designs for defensive mechanisms, including the use of Peltier Plating for construction to mask any thermal signatures and provide ample structural integrity. A list of appropriate supplies required is being compiled for construction purposes.