Behind every great event, there is a story, and at the center of every story there is a hero, and in every heroes essence, there is a will.
North of the galactic rim, far beyond the boarders of Sirius.
An Empire was formed.
When and how the tribes who formed the Empire got to their region of a mystery, an oral History remains of with a few skaldic verses of voyage and settlement, but nothing conclusive.
"Kjeser The One-Eared,
Left his fathers field,
In his heart a need Seared,
for a destiny to be fulfilled.
North of the Heavens by Aegir's grace,
he found a rich and bountiful place,
Snestorm in Asgard did he claim,
and so grew his Empire of great fame..."
-Wylf the Skald on the Saga of Cypher
The Empire was formed by one of many warring tribes, who after countless years, decades and centuries of constant warfare, was finally able to unite the sector of space. This Tribe was known as the Kel Tribe, they traced their heritage all the way back to Kjeser The One-Earned, founder of all.
After the Empire was formed, the Kel Tribe named their Empire, the Warriors of Aesir. They then formed Various Houses based on the absorbed Tribes. The Kel's changed their name to House Dane, in recognition of their brave Warlord Dane.
The sector of space these Warriors of Aesir inhabited was barren and resource poor. Causing constant conflict between the Houses of the Empire who were always fighting over the sectors meager resources. As time passed, the insufficient resources and quickly growing population was pressing the Empire closer and closer to Civil War when finally a safety value was discovered. A young wreckless, but skilled Prince of House Cammander, while doing recon missions for his House in search of new resources, discovered the Sirius Sector. His name was Sigtryggr the Lucky, soon to be known in the Sirius Sector as Dab.
Sigtryggr the Lucky quickly capitalized on his find, bringing with him many more House Cammander members. They formed a powerful enclave in their Hall and Castle of Freeport 9. Slowly word spread to the far flung Empire of WA of the riches to be found in new land. WA colonists began to trickle into the sector, bolstering the AW's numbers. Lending to their great strength and dominance. But..the status quo is not safe, something is about to happen. A great shift. For we now find ourselves at the present....
The metallic churning of a thousands engines are deadened by the expanse of space. A vast fleet, uncountable in number by the naked eye, moving..working as if controlled by some hoard mind, is if each ship is part of a larger entity. As if the fleet is the very embodiment of the will of the Aesir, of the will of victory, of the will of Mech.
Beacons light up..a speech is underway, broadcasting to each ship in the fleet, and all planets that meeting the fleets wake.
" ...of Greatness! Lords, Knights, Kinsman and Warriors alike! The time is now to swoop in and take what is ours, to crush the weak and feeble minded buerocrats and Sycophants of so-called 'civilization'! By the bristling beard of Odin, we shall not be stopped! A new age shall be ushered in, one of wealth for all Houses, of Glory for all Warriors, and of Loyalty for all Lords! Our tender Empire shall flex its mighty talons and grasp the Universe within them. The diligent members of House Cammander have led the way, have shown us the path to our destiny!!!!!
And I say unto you, feast! Feast for the night of battle that we face, feast for your kin and House! feast for your lives! For the blood shall flow strong on both sides, and many of you shall meet Valhalla before Asgard's sun kisses the Imperial Palace again. To Valhalla! To Death! To Victory!!!!!!!!!!", Says Lord Mech, Emperor of WA.
The mighty fleet in their unfamiliar ships race out of the night and into Kusari Space. Explosions light up the night-sky, ships wink out one by one as traditional House Kusari ships and WA Imperial ships clash. Although less advanced, the fearless WA pilots are more numerous and skilled in the ensuing battle.
At the center of this war stands the vast Imperial Capital ship, the ANS Vigilant. And at this vast space-fortresses heart sits The Emperor Mech, upon his dark throne, at his right stands Skaldi the Kin-Slayer Emperors Hand and Lord of House Thief, and at his left stands Wylf The Skald.
Emperor Mech: The Battle over new Tokyo, Main Screen.
Lord Skaldi: At once, sire! Main screen these coordinates....
The screen is filled with a mute light, that hurts the eyes, as the fighting intensifies.
Wylf the Skald: How the man outshines the heavens..
Emperor Mech: I'd trade the Stars of Man for the Stars of Heaven any day, Wylf.
Wylf the Skald: For glory..
Emperor Mech: Skaldi! How fairs the battle?
Lord Skaldi: Sire, while we are winning the Lighting-War itself, our forces at New Tokyo are taking major loses. I fear they might over power us.
Emperor Mech: Who is Fighting there?
Lord Skaldi: The House Blitzkrieg Fleet...Their commander Kaliwyrd the Ruleslief is dead.
Emperor Mech: Inform all ships of my personal guard, we're going in.
Lord Skaldi: Aye Milord at once.
Wylf the Skald: Into the eye of death the Emperor chased,
into the greatest foe he's ever faced,
fearlessly he takes on the fight,
unwilling to surrender this night.
The Imperial Guard crash into the tide of battle over New Tokyo, rallying the remaining House Blitzkrieg forces to fight on and not lose heart. The ANS Vigilant leads the Vanguard against the massive Kusari Defense Fleet. Slowly the ebb of battle turns to favor the Warriors of Aesir.
Lord Skaldi: Fireteams to halls 2,7,8!! Gunners, concentrate fire on the lead Battleships! All Fighers launch!!!1
Emperor Mech: Skaldi! Have us go right for their command cluster!
Lord Skaldi: Sire! We are taking heavy damage as it is, he wont survive..
Emperor Mech: We're the only ship powerful enough to take on their advanced weaponry. If we don't take them out, then no one will.
Lord Skaldi: To Valhalla then sire. All Nav officers, head for these coordinates. Gunners only focus on the battleships, fighters keep us covered as best you can. Full power Engines.
The Massive Imperial Space-Fortess makes for the main Kusari Command Cluster. The most heavily defended part of the Kusari Defense fleet. Weapons fall up on the the ANS Vigilant from all sides it passes through enemy lines. Entire halls of the Fortress are blown out, Fighter bays destroyed, regions of the ship torn asunder. But despite all this, the giant clump of metal keeps pushing towards the cluster. As if powered solely by the willpower of its crew. The Kusari Defense Fleet turns inwards to concentrate all firepower on the collapsing ANS Vigilant. The ANS Vigilant turns all forward guns on the command cluster, felling one Command Battleship after another, before finally the combined firepower of the Kusari Defense Fleet destroys the enough of the remaining ship systems to leave the behemoth dead in space. Even as the ANS Vigilant is disabled, the Kusari Defense Fleets line are broken by the all out attacking Aesir Fleet, who the Kusari Defense Force dropped their guard too in order to concentrate on the ANS Vigilant. In a matter of moments the back of Kusari fleet is broken, the Kusari surrender.
Yet all is Dark in ANS Vigilant
Crewman: Emergency power is online, sir.
Lord Skaldi: Good work, get to Hall 9 now, they need your help.
Crewman: Yes sir.
Lord Skaldi: My Emperor, we've lost 60% of our crew. Halls 11-33, all three fighter bays, along with all our armor and external sensors. Our Engines are destroyed, as is our biosphere. Life-support was damaged beyond repair and we are running on back up life-support.
Wylf the Skald coughs he pushes some rubble off from on top of him: I live.
Lord Skaldi: ..and Wylf lives.
Lord Skaldi: Sire! The fleet reports we've won! New Tokyo is ours! A new Jewel for your Empire!
Lord Skaldi: Sire?...Sire!? Crewman! We need lights over here!
A light shines on the crumbled throne of their proud Emperor, he is bent over, blood trickling from his mouth, a massive beam having impaled him, yet he lives. Skaldi the Kin-Slayer tracks down the closest Medics, who keep him alive until he can frozen.
Lord Skaldi: He'll have to be sent back to Asgard..our best doctors..I don't know if he'll make it.
Wylf the Skald: Perhaps we should tour YOUR new conquest, my lord?
In a night no Kusari will soon forget, the Warriors of Aesir fleet appeared from no where, and crushed them. All of house Kusari was claimed for the Aesir. But few of their warriors and even fewer of their ships remained. In order to maintain their strength, they executed and killed the current Kusari leaders, and rather then restructure the entire territory, just replaced the former leaders with themselves. The remains of the Great Aesir fleet, was now House Kusari.
The Warriors of Aesir adopted the more advanced Kusari ships, sending their own strange Aesir craft back on the long trip to Asgard, escorting their frozen Emperor.
Lord Skaldi gave each House a System to command as theirs, except for House Blitzkrieg who failed at New Tokyo.
The Houses were:
House Dane, the House of the Emperor, stewarded by Wylf and Prince Gangsta.
House Dippity, the House of Saints and Heroes, Under the command of Lord Harborg.
House Cammander, the House of loyal malcontents, under the command of Lord Darkwulf.
House Thief, the newest House of East-born members, under the command of Lord Skaldi.
Although the maps throughout the sector still bare the name of the Kusari Systems, the Aesir themselves renamed their worlds, even if only they call them by their new names:
New Tokyo, Renamed New Asgard: Imperial Stronghold
Hokkaido, Renamed Kelmark: House Thief Stronghold
Honshu, Renamed Danervike: House Dane Stronghold
Shikoku, Renamed Nidafj?ll: House Cammander Stronghold
Kyushu, Renamed Reidgotaland: House Dippity Stronghold
The war should have been over, a time of prosperity for all houses to follow. But without the unifying force of the Emperor. The Houses began to fight each other for more territory. And so the civil war the very fleet was meant to prevent from coming pass, had started.
Although Lord Skaldi the Kin-Slayer could get the Houses to agree on larger external threats, they still fought each other unceasingly and felt he didn't let him have any authority over their House policies.
Along with the Houses, the Asgard Warriors also didn't feel Lord Skaldi had any say over them, and so remained apart from the Warriors of Aesir, rather then uniting with them as the Emperor had hoped. Although close allies to the WA, the AW would require payment to help them, just as with everyone.
And so the what should have been the Jewel in the Empire's crown, has turned into a battleground for a civil war.
(OOC: All members who are going to be part of the new WA faction, change your tags, or end your AW accounts...)
As the Fallen Fall,
They Shall Rise Again,
As the Phoenix Teaches,
There Shall be no end.
-March of the Aesir
Lord of the Aesir and Emperor of WA: Eye of Odin{Imperial Capital and Heart of WA},Tyr Regiment{The Army of the Aesir}, Asgard Warriors{The Fleet of the Aesir}, Hand of Tyr{The Warriros of the Aesir}, Einherjar Warriors {Scouts of the Aesir}, Boot of Vidar and the Horn of Heimdall.
Each of the Kusari worlds is led by a Petty-King, or System-Lord. These are usually high ranking members of the 'WA House' that is in control of that System. Combat for control of a System will be dictated by conquest system Dab, or Sigtryggr the Lucky, came up with. These Petty-Kings are not the traditional sort of modernistic leaders you are used to. They are nobles, who hold courts and favor heroes, forming private armies and enhancing mercs.
As the Fallen Fall,
They Shall Rise Again,
As the Phoenix Teaches,
There Shall be no end.
-March of the Aesir
Lord of the Aesir and Emperor of WA: Eye of Odin{Imperial Capital and Heart of WA},Tyr Regiment{The Army of the Aesir}, Asgard Warriors{The Fleet of the Aesir}, Hand of Tyr{The Warriros of the Aesir}, Einherjar Warriors {Scouts of the Aesir}, Boot of Vidar and the Horn of Heimdall.