You surely remember how we met in Omicron Delta a while ago and flew a bit around up to Gammu? Not to mention the information we exchanged. Now that I have atleast some free time I finally wanted to ask you if you already have a plan set up for Darius' rescue?
It's at you if you want to share it or keep it for yourself, I am just curious about the whole situation, especially after Sader sees this case as closed and doesn't really tell me anything anymore."
Ooooh. Konbanwa Sanae.
Well, I do have a plan and its fully complete with 70% chance of work. I was not planing on doing it, but since he might get himself killed I have no other choice. Far as I know, by now he would be held into a prison that is well hidden so that is where I will hit.
I have a certain "contact" that will help me get in without getting noticed, but that is my little secret. He he he.
How have you been doing? Did you find a good dress for your fun wedding?
"Uhm. Right. I am glad to hear that you decided to help him out then, apparently you are aware of the prisons location, that's the only thing I missed to get to know. Hopefully those 70% won't betray you, otherwise it means death cell for each of you...
About me.. I am doing really fine, some days are stressful and filled with wedding preparation, some others are just as calm and lovely as one could imagine but we still didn't finish the final design for our wedding dresses, you know it is a bit more complicated than a 'simple' normal wedding dress. It's a little bit hard to explain but let's just say I constantly wear an.. full body pearl adornment, literally like a complex dress out of very dense pearl strands and we wonder if we go wear a different, especially made for the wedding, adornment or a dress that can be connected to it as an addition. You would have to see what I wear to understand it fully.. (She chuckles a little). Hope you are doing fine too?
Well that is a lot of work for the wedding dresses. If I was in your boots, I would have gone for the traditional yukata. I love wearing those when I am going somewhere more... official or partyful. They are really comfortable and are quite simple to put on or make. Maybe you should wear something a bit larger so you could fit a gun or two under it. *She giggles a bit* Just kidding. Its a small stress relief I tend to do.
My days are changing bit by bit. A bit lonely, a bit happy a bit sad and a bit stressed. It goes on and on and its getting on my nerves. I want to catch some free time, but I have a planet to survey and a cluster to defend from trigger happy idiots. I need a vacation. Maybe chill in the slums of Manhattan or the plains of Cambridge. Cannot make up my mind. And I would also love to have someone by my side, but that would mean more to defend and I don't know if I could manage it.
I didn't want to tell you way too much about it as I considered it as a little surprise for everyone I know a bit more.. but hai, I wanted it to lean on the traditional examples Kusari has to offer. Which one exactly stays a secret though and.. well.. guns, reminds me of the guest list. This, trust me, is the most complicated thing about the entire marriage story..
It's just so complicated to decide who will not go at each others throats.. and who will do, even at a marriage...
(After a weak sigh she continues) - And your days just sound like everybodys, who doesn't know this feeling? I can only guess how much work this survey you mentioned is, or how many you really have to defend but the daily business with IC agents and constant slight worries about my closest friends is already tiring enough at times..
Love is what you need, huh? Well, I suppose time will tell you when it's the right moment for this, just look at me.. took me years to find this feeling too, just to get disappointed twice before the one perfect fit.
Keep your head up, you'll manage it all, I doubt that you couldn't do it."
Hey, hey! You are throwing a party. Everyone will probably get drunk and kiss. He he he. Better find something with more rooms.
Anyways. I think it will look good on you, whatever you pick. Its up to you in the end so I think you will manage.
As for me... I will be fine, but will take a vacation after I am done with the planet. I am thinking Manhattan this time. Any ideas how to woo the Chief of police?
Well.. I suppose that I have way too many rooms even for all the guests at the manor on Honshū.. but whatever, hai, I am sure it will be just perfect, oh maybe you appear on the guest list too? Who knows!
About your vacation, Manhattan? Well, tell me when you arrive then. And the current Chief after Lyons? Some Kusarian, heard twisted opinions about her, uh, Chief Mori or something like this. I actually don't care, the LPI as business partner died for me.. why do you even ask about her?"
I guess you don't have to worry all that much about Zozen, he will do fine.. but I could try to keep an eye on him, that's not the problem.
Concerning the Chief, well that is your thing, whenever you will manage this now that you.. go somewhere soon."