It is of a good degree of importance that I speak to the respective delegates or delegations privy to a matter such as this, as I believe it is of good manners and of necessary formality to request entry into the homes of another for the purpose of trade. We understand that the Republic of Kusari has more or less opened its borders for this purpose, but good gestures go a long way.
On this note, we the servants of the Crown would also like passage into Rheinland to explore economic opportunity, which will of course work out to be beneficial and mutually so. We will more than definitely make all of these trips with our own escorts, requesting nothing else from the recipients other than their acceptance and good-will along the subject of trade between our Kingdom and your Houses.
To clarify who we are in the event of appropriate curiosity, we are a group of nobles acting in the best interests of the Crown, backed completely by the Royal Court. Our fellow loyalists in the Royal Navy are more or less being phased out by other key forces, while we seek to promote Gallic interests, as I stated before. Therefore as the Leader of La Nouvelle Avant-Garde, I come to you as the appropriate representative of our side. You may clarify with us any questions you might have as well as bring up those terms you feel appropriate for consideration.
Please accept my apologies for the delay of this response.
The Ministry of Foreign Relations has been following with interest the last developments apparently occurring in House Gallia's ruling classes. I'm personally relieved to see a less brutal and uncompromising approach has been preferred. It should indeed be no surprise for you to hear the Diet has been quite concerned about the escalation of tensions between our two Great Houses, which would have benefited nobody.
It is truly everyone's best interests that economical exchanges don't come to an end, and I can perfectly understand mercantile and supplying concerns may bring House Gallia to be interested with House Rheinland significant raw material reserves.
As for House Kusari, I'm certain your corporations reported how Committed our people are towards excellency, and how valuable are the high technology products designed by the Keiretsus, namely Samura Heavy Industries and Kishiro Technologies.
Thus, as a reliable partner, we will do our best to assist you in the negotiations you may have with House Rheinland, as our relationship with this Great House is long and fruitful.
Until then, your logistics convoys are naturally welcome. However, we would like you to refrain from using escorts composed of Gunboat class vessels or above. Our population is indeed easily concerned about the presence of foreign forces in House Kusari sovereign space, and, given the current political situation, this would only give ground to Imperialist propaganda claiming the Republic is but a slave state, or 'Lapdogs' as they say it, of House Gallia. I'm confident you will understand our reservations regarding that point.
Sanada Manobu,
Ministry of Foreign Relations.
A most appreciated and useful response. I can understand the level of concern and wish merely to promote stable relations between both houses as they work to the favour of all the people within them. While I cannot promise that gunships will be barred from escort parties, due to how numerous our opposition might be, I will heavily restrict their usage to dire situations only, thereby lessening our imposing figure in foreign space, consider that my thanks for your assistance in negotiations with House Rheinland. I am firmly of the belief that every good turn deserves another.
I have been informed by one of your fellow officers in the Police that the system of 'Kyushu' has been lost to the Imperialist movement that resists your Government, we'll be sure to assist your forces in operations against these insurgents as it would in turn lessen the burden our convoys would have to face, I do believe they might be more than willing to resort assault of our cargo ships, a desperate enemy is one willing to stoop to any levels. Though it does perplex and concern me how much ground these insurgents have gained over such a short span of time and for the sake of stability in both our regions, I can only kindly request appropriate measures.