Murray again stood fast, as well as Reyes. "I'm not going. If you won't let Nova keep the two of you from going mental, then I will. I don't give two damns what you want. This is for your safety and my sanity."
"No.. no.. let the warmonger have a crack.. He tries anything, I'll flatten him like a pancake.."
Hemlock smirked at Sader.
She just silently stood next to the table her blade used to be sitting on, crossing her arms and watching Sader. She motioned her hand towards Hemlock, quietly telling him he could talk.
Hemlock rubbed his eyes a bit, paying no attention to her, eyeing Sader. "What do you want?"
Reyes merely hid behind him, eyeing Sader over Hemlock's shoulder.
"Murray you're dismissed. If that makes you feel better you may watch from the cameras. But now get the blody hell out before the next person i shoot today will be you."
"I'm more than within my rights to be in this room, Admiral. Plus, it's not a matter of what you want. It's a matter of what's needed."
She eyed him with a clear sense of discontent. "You can make threats all you want, but I could give a rat's ass what you want me to do. After everything you've done to compromise this investigation, you're lucky I haven't gone to military court yet."
The patterns in her voice remained calm, a thought boiling inside. "Should I bring this up to Jones...?"
"If you want to be here and annoy the hell out of me so be it. "
He walked to Hemlock and sat down next to him. "Allright Matthew. I think its safe to say that you and your crew have been through a lot. A bit too much maybe. Let's face it. The contract of the enlisted have most likely ended and they deserve to be back home with their family. Not like the ship is fit to do anything at this point anyway. As for you and the rest of the senior staff. I think you also deserve rest. How about retirement? The ship itself will be repaired completly and given to a new crew after we found a fleet where its needed. Either the 3rd fleet or any other that decision is above me. I think my offer is fair.
If you accept i will call up the transport ship's 'bout to depart for Norfolk to wait for you while the paperwork is done."
Hemlock was taken a little off guard by Sader's proposition of retirement. He thought for a few on it, sitting back and thinking through the prior twelve years he'd spent with the Navy, as well as the seven prior he'd spent out in the Edge. Reyes rose a little, sitting back down in her chair on the opposite side of the bed from Sader, reaching up and taking Hemlock's hand.
She whispered. "Wherever you're going, Matt.. I'm gonna follow.. You out more than anyone the Bay deserves a rest.. and retirement doesn't sound too bad..."
He thought for a few minutes more, turning his head to Sader. "Okay.."