The IND would like to start this pinboard off with a little comment about the Semi-Lawful affair of this bounty board, sometimes we get attacked by idiots, and these idiots may bear a tag and ID common to a lawful bunch. Each bounty will explain the exact nature of the ship in question and will state his or her affiliation.
Now on to the bread and butter of this pinboard, the bounties. IND bounties are open to the following two organisations, the Strontium Dogs and the Mandalorian Mercenaries, unless stated otherwise. Bounties will range from 5 million to 100 million and are bankrolled by the IND itself. However fear not, the IND's vast coffers are near undrainable and we can continue paying these out until we grow old and pass our wealth onto our children.
Nuisances are exactly that, they are a nuisances they do something once and simply get put on this list because they are too insignificant to deal with ourselves.
BuBs has stiffed us, sold a trade route he complained about it and never paid. Well now he learns not to stiff the IND
Pests are like nuisances only they do it repetitively.
Annoyances should never be killed, but they should be annoyed as they have annoyed us.
[OTC]Mule annoyed us whilst waiting for our convoy to convene, disrupting our tradelanes and just being a genearl annoyance. So feel free to do the same to him. Disrupt him wherever he may travel. Make him take longer to get anywhere.
For this purpose the sum of five million credits will be made available. Screenshots should include his screams of rage and or firing at you. You must provoke a reaction to be paid this bounty.
We are not ashamed to admit that some of the undesirables are targeting us specifically and would love to see us fall. The Lane Hackers being the most obvious. Bounties placed here are ONLY ever open to the Strontium Dogs or the Mandalorian Mecenaries. No others need apply.
In all his forms this irritant is highly disruptive to a stable mindset as such he is to be terminated with extreme ill will. Maximum prejudice is to be applied at all times in dealing with him. He has innumerable ships, suggestion is to simply smack him down with whatever you have to hand.
For Destruction of Ship: 10 million repeatable 10 times
For Death and Retrieval of Body to be Presented to Dr.Carl Jung for Autopsy: 100million credits.
Lane Hackers:
The Lane Hackers annoy us, piss us off, and disrupt a stable market economy. wiping them out would do us a huge favour.
Destruction of Any Lane Hacker Tagged and ID'd ship: 5 million credits
This covers the bounties.
Proof of kill constitutes the following, Black Box recording of Notification of Intent to engage, Gun Cam footage of kill.
So this covers it all, happy hunting, bring us back some heads.
Major General (Retired) Lord Professor Sir Gregory Bayliss Master of Philosophy Commander of the Bretonian Empire
Interspace NeuralNet Department Press Officer.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Ahoy, me and my wingman are up to the task to tracking down and splitting up Phate. My name is Bobi Mitev, a merc. My right hand is Petko Petkov, merc too. Expect the task to be done soon, we have a fresh track on this Phate. The hunt begins....right now!
--CommID: Michael Romeo, Core--
-Location: Sheffield Station, Manchester-
Found this flying paycheck in Magellen and followed him into California undoubtedly on his way to wreak havoc in Liberty. My wingman, the Cat, and I were able to make short work of this one.
Lordy, you shook some dust about to find this one old son. Unfortunately, it would have been a
little politic to have asked first, especially after all this time, and the fact you don't carry either
the Strontium Dogs or MM~ tag.
Also we did specify 'Lane Hackers', the Hellfire Legion don't quite fall into that category whatever
their IFF may suggest, as they don't carry the same paperwork, nor are their goals quite in the
same ballpark.
On your own on this one I'm afraid ...
Jay Simon
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."