"It's the only way you ignorant dope! It's only a matter of time before the Navy sets out to eliminate you too!" She said, all but crushing the emptied bottle in her hand.
''You've go no evidence! None, zero! You hate Liberty so much, you can't see the good it does! What happened to you?! What kind of helish event made you so full of Hate?!'' he shouted back at her.
"No evidence! Nicole was given orders to kill her own sister! For what? Watching a police transport get blown to hell by LSF agents!? Screw you and your damned Navy! I'll take you all down!" She shouted, standing up to begin a departure.
He stood as quickly as he could and locked her arm in a vice like grip, taking care to cause her little discomfort ''You'd do better in trying to help me understand'' he said ''Sit, you disagree obviously, explain why. Keep politics out of it, explain yourself to me. Help me, understand''
"I owe you nothing, Libertonian dog!" She said, staring into the mans eyes. If he looked back, he'd see the bitterness that had taken over her personality.
''No, you don't. But I'd still like it if you let me get to know you.'' he said softly ''We don't need to be enemies, not all the time. I am not your enemy today''
''You don't!'' he laughed ''But I don't, and I can't prove it other than my being here. I have no weapons, and no intentions. I came willingly and in defiance of standing orders. I can't prove my honourable intentions any other way''