[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/FtE3Gox.jpg?1[/img] Priority:High To: 8th Resistance Fleet, primary and secondary fleet personel From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Ark Royal, Newcastle
To all captains and pilots of the York fleet, for the duration of the next week your got orders to increase the frequency of your strikes against the Gallic forces in Leeds. Do not risk too much but make sure you get their attention.
This operation will be coordinated with the Macduff fleet wich will provide a few strike wings for its duration.
That would be all for now, this channel remains open for new orders should the need arise.
Good luck to everyone, may our fight bring the enemy to its knees. For Bretonia!
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: Admiral Jacob McIntire
From: Captain Sir George Richard Hall
Ad... er, Captain Sir Hall on the line. I am reporting that I am at liberty to take charge of the first incursion, in roughly two hours. I will make sure that Captain Steiner receives the fullest war experience from the general's perspective. If he survives, he may get to order you one day, and if he does not, I believe there are more Steiners. If you wish to receive any trophies, you will have to come with us. Wish me luck -- I am, willingly, no longer your competition.