I would like to thank you for the kind words that was sent by one of your people during my promotion. I am also really greatful for all those lives that you saved during the conflict around Freeport 11. The Core welcomes all humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts coming from the Zoner society. This time I hope you support an initiative coming from myself and Administrator Akibara. Here we see more than people on other Freeports located in many systems away.
I am also willing to sponsor treatment of the wounded that you currently have. We are not humanitarian organization, however, there are up to 100 million credits to be offered. In addition people who happened to lost limbs can order simplest bionic prosthesis at our H+ Clinic. Sadly we cannot provide bionic eyes and other advanced prosthesis to a wide public yet.
Of course there are more possabilities for post-war cooperation if we will tag along, doctor.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Dr. John Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria, Omega 49 System
To: Guildmistress Emma Loyola
Good Morning, Guildmistress,
I see that you have become acquainted with the Commander of Med Force Three, Miss Alicia Cook. I don't think she gives herself enough credit for being a diplomat. She is Bretonian so she can be a bit expectatious even of herself.
At the moment, I haven't received any medical reports from out there of people in need. In my discussion with Mr. Andrew Frost, I was informed that my services weren't needed. Perhaps we were both mistaken. I'm uploading you a transcript of our meeting:
My prosthesis and bionics labs are on Med Force One so any patients you would have that require treatment would have to be sent there. If necessary, perhaps I could transport them myself on one of my trips to Freeport 11. Admittedly, I've largely avoided the region as I'm not a combat pilot but yes, if I can help people with medical and humanitarian needs, that's my mission. I have Med Force Three there. I have no problem bringing myself there.
Dr. John Holliday
CEO, Med Force Enterprises
Senor Frost was correct, however situation is unstable and so is losses. Especially since we having hardly predictable Nomad factor. I understand that you are a busy person and that your work is indispensable. However your presance in Omicron Delta would be much appretiated. Of crouse, I don't ask to move your entire unit down here, but you might play your role in peacful regulation on your own.
I really don't want drag you into the politics, I do understand specific of your work. But on both sides we sadly do have a war party. Their role is absolutely disctructive, since they play on people's hate and fear. We need to show people that peace is not something that they need to fear, war is.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Quarters, [MFE]Med Force One
To: Guildmistress Loyola
I have no intentions to move my entire unit into Delta. Ever try flying a Nephilim through asteroids? Not fun! That is why I keep a cruiser there. [MFE]Med Force Three is a modified cruiser set up for medical and scientific research. Commander Cook doesn't keep heavy armament on that ship for a reason.
I've been talking with the Confederation of Freeports. Admittedly, the bad blood is what is foremost on their minds. I've also explained that you, a new Guildmistress, is wanting to try a new approach...a more peaceful one. Perhaps, just perhaps, to sway their thinking, you could make a show of good faith in some way? It might make going to the table of negotiation more palatable.
You're right though. I really didn't want to put on an Ambassador's robes again but a good doctor can save lives at times without the use of medicine. After all this is over, I do hope we can have a drink.
I did offer new concept of relationships between and number of the Zoner organizations and the Core. Those are high profit offers for both sides, we are currently going for a huge compromise. Sadly there's nothing we can offer for Zoners that are living far away from the Omicrons. I can only hope that common sense will prevail in the end.
I really don't want to mention negative scenarios, I guess all people know and feel what can happen. In any way, I would like to thank you for your work. Please let me know if I can assist you now and in the future.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, [MFE] Med Force One
To: Guildmistress Loyola
Good Afternoon, Guildmistress,
I think you know that I'm personally not about profits. Money isn't my motivator...not anymore. I will say this though, I have spoken my piece to to Confederation. Being that I'm not a regular resident of the Omicrons, having only a ship that operates in the area, I question how much influence I will have in any negotiations. Time will tell I guess.
You say that you have nothing to offer those of us not living in the region. I respectfully beg to differ. We are all still Zoners and in times of need will work together. It is how Zoners have survived for so long. I think the best thing you can offer IS by a good show of faith to say, Administrator VonCloud and Finn McCool. Such news travels far and wide. As I understand it, a truce has been put into place. That, Guildmistress, is a good start. It's the little things like that that get noticed.
Make no mistake, there will be some hostile words from the Zoners of Freeport 11. Remember, they've been through much. Listen to them. It wasn't their bad judgement that caused so much trouble.
His comm badge goes off, "Dr. Holliday, you're needed in Emergency surgery."
Sorry, Guildmistress but duty calls. If you want to chat, I'm always here. Perhaps over a drink or dinner sometime.