From what I've heard, the Kusarian yokels in the Sigmas have decided that wanton acts of terrorism for no discernable goal are the best way to do business. Obviously, this is going to probably end in outright disaster for them and, down the line, anyone dependent on their H-Fuel. Which is what I want to talk to you about, actually.
I absolutely do not want La Marine Royale running roughshod over every-bloody-where. Right now, Liberty is serving as a nice buffer state between you and those aggressive expansionists. Considering the recent - and very public - re-deployments of Liberty's Eastern fleets to deal with the Gauls, they're going to need the fuel to keep them running.
Considering the wave of Rheinlandic revanchist fervor sweeping the populace, one can imagine the grim prospects facing the Gas Miners Guild. Just between us, methinks their gas mining and refining operations may cease indefinitely, if not entirely cease to exist. This would be the death knell for Liberty and Bretonia's naval fleets, which would leave the Gallic menace free to sweep into... well, just about anywhere with a Jump Gate connection, really.
In short, I'm coming to you to request permission to operate freely within the Sigmas to make off with as much salvageable fuel as my associates and I can before the GMG lies burning across the starscape. If your capital fleet needs H-Fuel to remain functional as well, I can make a point of delivering any amount of H-Fuel (within the scope of human possibility) to New Providence (or whatever that old Zoner base is called now) for your agents to move to wherever you wish.
To: The Lane Hackers. From: Armin Jansen, der Alster Union. Subject: A problem with Jamming.
Normally we would reject such a proposal, as if we start making exceptions, we would run the danger of enabling guild proxies by setting the rule. You are a private citizen, yes, but so are the employees of the guild. One woman can cause much damage with the correct contacts and equipment.
In addition, Liberty may kill me and everyone I know in a matter of months. Gallia is an existential threat far less pressing to me than Liberty itself is. They can starve of fuel completely for all I give a damn.
However circumstances force us to acquiesce. Our Naval Reserve is running short (ironically, because of the Liberty Navy); we maintain a significant fuel battery aboard our hideouts of Hydrogen fuel to supply the 36.4% of Unioner spacecraft which are forced to depend on nuclear fusion, not fission. These include stolen, salvaged, or third-party procured craft which do not depend on Rheinlandic reactors. If you can supply the following units of fuel to Freeport Providence (we will handle distribution from then on), you will be free to make passage with whatever ship you may demand. You may even request Unioner escort whilst passing through our patrolled zones, should you encounter our Arbeiters.
Such a quantity will refill our reserves whilst proving earning trust in you. Once you have completed the consignment, wire us a list of spacecraft amended to you. We will add you to the relevant exemption lists.
If any Arbeiter gives you trouble beyond that point, contact us about them. We will ensure they are incapable of transgressing again.
Contract terms Wrote:Deliver 8.000 SCU (Sirian Cubic Units) of H-fuel to Freeport Providence.
Reward: Political and tactical protection. Exemption from H-fuel embargos and general piracy. Escort protections.
Armin Jansen.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
For now, just my vessel the THP|Magnificent.Lunatic is the only ship moving H-Fuel; my adoptive father's associates are of no concern to me; deal with the rest of them at your discretion.