Planet Akabat
Omicron Mu, Protectorate of the Order of Cincinnatus
Finally, arrived on Akabat all safe and sound. The Wraith has been dragged to the workshop... very... very... slowly, that was infuriating to watch. After about two hours we finally arrived at the location that Valkyrie has sent me. Now I know why the Order engineers are considered one of the best ones in Sirius. Looking at the size of this place alone and all the tools they've got here, I am not surprised that their efficiency is widely known, although anyone who has ever seen an Order vessel from the inside could only agree with that.
Work on the ship hasn't started yet, the first thing that will be done is a careful cleaning procedure, this ship has taken a lot of dirt on its way here, the hull looks like it has taken a mudbath. I never noticed how dirty ships can get if you don't clean them, I blame it on the dimmed light in my hangar where I fix my ships. The plan will be the following:
Tag eins: The ship will be cleaned thoroughly from the outside.
Tag zwei: The engineers and I will analyse the current power core capacity and make up-to-date stats about the ship.
Tag drei: The ship will be taken apart piece by piece, whereas the parts will all be cleaned as well.
Tag vier: The power core will be taken apart just like the engine cells. We'll analyze them and compare them to Order models.
Tag fünf: An H-fuel capable fuel cell will be implemented into the new systems, the power core will be upgraded. (Estimated)
Provided that everything works out as intended, the ship will be good to go in 5 days. Wunderbring Ende.
Planet Akabat
Omicron Mu, Protectorate of the Order of Cincinnatus
Day two in the docks of my Wraith, I'm taking as many grasps of the ship as I can, will hurt a lot seeing it being taken apart, even though it is for a good cause. Today we've tested the power capacity of the core as it is now. It seems that the old Wraith model has a power capacity of about 11160u, which isn't much less than the modern ones but the weapons we're using are a rather new model. This means that the power core suffers the energy consumption of modern weaponry while being an outdated model. It's like using an old engine from 20 years ago for a new ship. The wear of the ship increases a lot and the core will die quicker, it is simply not made for the newer models of Stealthblades, Hornvipers and god forbid Order weapons. Compared to the Order vessels, the interior technology of the Rheinland ships is way behind. Its controls allow you full control of the ship, however, the Bastet, as a fitting comparison, offers way more automatism. Not that this surprises me, the Rheinländer always prepared to fly mostly by themselves. Judging by how well this standard still keeps up, it is actually a dangerous thought to have Rheinwehr pilots use modern ships by the Order, they would be even more dangerous.
They looked at the status of my powercore and told me it was pretty worn out already, I told them that before, though. The ship makes strange noises while reloading the energy as if something was blocking it, nothing was found doing so, though. I've scrapped the plan of utilizing a Bastet core. Sure, it would be modern and new, not worn off at all but its capacity is even lower than the current Wraith, for the Order, this might not be a problem but for us, it indeed could be. Next plan is to use fusion reactors of other Order ships and possibly combine stuff to make something new. That will only make it more complicated in the end, though. The look on some of the engineer's faces was priceless, so... hopeless. I mean, my ship isn't nearly as bad as they made it out to be. Anyway, got to go back to work, we're going to take the ship apart tomorrow and then look at the insides.
Wunderbring Ende.
Planet Akabat
Omicron Mu, Protectorate of the Order of Cincinnatus
So weit so gut. The Wraith is now basically not existant anymore, its parts are laying all over the place, although they are shiny and clean as hell now, we did a really good job with that. The whole ship has been successfully taken apart, the only thing the others are working on while I am recording this is the fusion reactors. That the ship isn't the latest produced one is pretty easy to see, looking at how worn out everything is. The controls inside lost most of their color, it's just grey, you know? Had a few talks with a man named Ricky, a pretty smart guy, he suggested to completely swap the Wraith's insides, you know, controls and systems and all that, with the ones of a Bastet. I told him that I already have a Bastet in Rheinland and that it is pretty tough to handle and I don't wish to crash in my own Wraith, my baby. But the more I actually think about, the more I like this idea, just that it is not as easy to do as it sounds. All the electrical connections from the core need to be swapped, it will basically be a Bastet that looks like a Wraith, not sure if that is the best idea.
Apart from that, we've had a little incident here, somehow the engines activated themselves when we were taking it apart, Marten got injured, not drastically, though. A few minor burns here and there, we just pushed him away before the last bit of Thorium MOX ran out, I counted about five seconds until it was done, seems like the boys of the fuel pump made a mistake there. We've got the power core hanging relatively far up near the ceiling, we need a lot of place to take it apart, won't be easy, so it's going to be done last. If we f*ck up there, it will need a completely new one and I don't like that thought at all, will only delay my return with our new blueprints. The longer I stay here to more uncomfortable I feel, as if I'd have had to leave my children behind. I am sure Stefanie is taking care of everything while I'm gone, if not, the others are pretty smart and wouldn't get themselves killed just like that. I've even heard about Nomads in the Sigmas today and that some of my Aktivisten were there, hope they're fine. Wunderbring Ende.
Planet Akabat
Omicron Mu, Protectorate of the Order of Cincinnatus
We've actually been so busy with the engine cells and that stupid powercore so that I didn't have time to note down what we did, great. I'll see that I get another log done this evening regarding the, hopefully, last work steps that are required. Anyway, yesterday was the second biggest day of this operation, we have taken the powercore apart and the fusion reactor as well, we've made two teams for that, each of which had 10 people. The core was the object of my team's interest and the problem that we figured out was pretty simple. Essentially, the powercores that our Wraith models use are still from the older models that the Rheinwehr must have abandoned a few years ago. The new weapon systems drain the core faster and thus, just as I said, the wear is much more of a problem. We discovered that my powercore would only have survived for about a few more months before it might have just given me up. This doesn't mean we're going to have Bastet cores implemented in our ships, though. That would be way too messy, no, we've taken it apart and have decided that only a few very old parts have to be replaced with modern ones. This, however, requires the Order. Essentially, a few parts within the core itself are still up to date, the ones that are not are luckily same for every ship and thus, the Order will provide us with them.
The fusion reactor was the job of the other team. Seemed like they had a harder time with that, they had a Bastet and the engine systems of the Wraith and compared thoroughly. They came to the point where the fuel cell of the Order ship was pretty much implemented in the Wraith... well... most of it. There were problems with the connection to the powercore. Why? Because we had none to test it! So we are standing there with a basically finished engine product but have no idea if it really works and on top of that we cannot test it because the core isn't done yet. We'll test it out this evening, that will be the moment when everything decides. Until then, the engine team is checking every detail of the new product. The next step is actually swapping the needed parts for the power core, that will be fun... The good thing is, if everything went smoothly, I will be able to return the ship with the finished blueprints for the upgraded Wraiths to Geneva today. Even the new controls that the Order wanted to implement as a little "extra" are already in. If we deliver some optronics, we can make our Wraiths almost as modern as the Bastets. Although nothing can ever beat a Wraith.
Planet Akabat
Omicron Mu, Protectorate of the Order of Cincinnatus
Done. Finally. Done. We have actually managed it, not that this is too surprising, the team worked great but as you can see, we are one day late. The re-implementation of the now H-Fuel driven, yes H-Fuel driven, engines was successful yet very slow. As I have written earlier, we needed to re-arrange all the cables that were connecred engine and power core. The power core could basically receive a new name now that it is a mixture of Rheinland and Order technology. The time that the other team has used to thoroughly check the re-adjustments that we made has proved to be quite useful. The core and the engine worked along perfectly. The happiness wasn't too big, though, as we now had to unplug everything again and take the ship back together and then get that damn core inside the ship and strap the new fuel cells on it. And the interior... Gott... the interior. It just looks perfect to me, highly modified to fit a pilot's needs, the Rheinwehr can suck it.
I couldn't be more thankful to the engineers here and their efforts, I will make sure my thankings will receive Golanski, now it is time to return to Rheinland, though, the blueprints have to be delivered to Geneva as fast as possible. The Aktivisten will have to work a bit too, a lot of new optronics are needed now that the systems of our Rheinland ships have been upgraded. Order engineers on Bruchsal will be able to re-arrange the other Rheinland ships we own very quickly now that we have the blueprints and all needed information. It feels good to be able to provide the revolutionaries in Rheinland with new technology. The Order will receive a lot of support for having the needed specialists able to swap the fuel cells on older Rheinland ships. The LWB might like this idea as well... or not at all, never seen any other party than us really doing something for the environment, to be honest. Anyway, our successes have already made themselves noticeable in the Volksrevolution and this will be a good addition to it. The age of recycled Bundschuh Rheinwehr ships is over.