Comm ID Fleet Marshall Markus Brass
Sub: Unregistered Complex
To whoever this may concern,
I've received a report of an unregistered base in the Kansas system. In case you didn't know, Kansas is our territory and we do not tolerate trespassers. I require the following from you:
COMM ID:Copper Storage Depot, Administration TARGET ID:Fleet Marshall Markus Brass SUBJECT:Unregistered Complex ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:High
Good day,
luckily this comm has been brought to my attention.
I hope this is all just a misunderstanding, all your questions should be answered on our neural net page: Copper Storage Depot
But for your convenience:
Your full name: Billy Joe Jimbob
Your affiliation: I'm a freelancer miner and trader. Used to work for DSE, but decided to make my own dream.
The complex's role: Apart from being my home, the installation is there to provide support for mining operations and make it easy for traders. I always envisioned it as a miners freeport.
Access to the docking bays: We go by rule: "As long as you behave, you can dock."
I'm having my lawyer look at "Commonwealth of House Liberty | Construction Permits" and investigate the registration documents now.
The installation is there for more than a year now. I remember seeing some of your guys resting in our bar months ago, so I wonder why this has not been brought to your attention sooner.
Awaiting your reply, best regards
Signing out,
Billy Joe Jimbob, CEO Copper Storage Depot
Comm ID Fleet Marshall Markus Brass
Sub: Unregistered Complex
I'm glad I got a response from you before things got messy. I don't want to order the destruction of a space station in Commonwealth's territory, which might bring development in the system.
However, you ought to have licensed the construction and registered in our database before such a transmission, because at the moment you're in Commonwealth's territory illegaly. As such, they deemed it necessary to fine you 30.000.000 S.C, payment goes to [HF]-Armory.1, for operating without permission and refusing to register on our database. Once the fine is paid, you are required to register on our database and make your first monthly payment of 12.000.000 S.C.
After that you're good to go and we would be more than happy to provide any aid you may require.
[Comm-ID]:Markus Brass, Fleet Marshall, Hellfire Legion [Recipient-ID]:Copper Storage Depot, Administration [Location]:Monterrey Base, Vespucci System, Commonwealth Space [Subject]: Base Registration
[Priority]:Standard [Encryption]:Moderate
Everything is settled, you are now registered in our database and may operate normally in Kansas. As long as you follow the instructions on the board you won't have any issues with the Legion. I've allocated some ships to patrol the station's perimeter to provide security. Anything else you might need, ring the Commonwealth.
Libera te ex Infernis,
Markus Brass
Hellfire Legion