Buenas tardes. I am Jon Aurtenetxe, the captain of a Sarissa-class Outcast warship.
It has come to my attention that you currently own a unique piece of battleship armament - the Autopulse turret. I am certain it would help us in combat, specifically against the Liberty Navy. Unfortunately, we don't posess any research information, and so I can only deal in Sirius credits. How does an offer of 3700000 SC per piece of information sound to you?
Should we reach an agreement, contact me through private channels so you would tell me your installation's location and I would share the exact callsign of my warship.
now we don't typically deal with Outcasts but the Admiral suggested that mere weapons purchases that don't directly move to the enemy are accepted policy.
In this new Underworld we found us in they'll end up where they want anyways.
The most valuable commodity for us in here is information. A single weapon is not that difficult to produce but acquiring the blueprints and working out the mechanisms is the real deal behind it. If you cannot deal in that credits are of course acceptable but we'll have our knowledge paid.
You've received all the information we got available currently and our prices too it seems. Going withing my allowed negotiation space I can offer you the weapon for 320,000,000cr.
In regards to the transfer, we can hardly allow a heavily armed warship this close to our installation. But we have more than enough space within Bering to conduct this transfer. Half of the system is protected by the Unioners and the other is entirely save through our ships.
We can even deliver the weapon to our forward depot should you not be available for a direct transfer.
The price of 320 000 000 Sirius credits seems decent enough.
We will however have to sort out the logistics. Your safety concerns seem fairly reasonable. We will be as discreet as possible. What kind of forward depot are we talking about? We would prefer a location where we could quickly moor to refuel and maintan the Sarissa. Anything neutral would work.
Let us know how would you want the payment process to go, we wouldn't hesitate sending the credits in advance.
our forward depot is located in the vicinity of Freeport 2. Now we're aware that's quite far from your usual operational space but it's the area of Unioners and us. You'll be safe for the duration of our trade.
We have to ask of you to leave at your earliest convenience again. An outcast warship is just nothing we should keep around within Bering for no good reason.
If you wish to send the funds ahead of time, please send them to Marshall.Station
Let us deal in the vicinity of the freeport. The payment has been forwarded.
Once the deal is done, we will moor to the freeport to refuel and will then use hyperspace technology to clear the area. We promise it will not take a lot of time.