***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: [MTC]Maconia-1***
***From: Luxury Liner Hawaii***
***To: Any possible customer***
Greetings people of Sirius, let me introduce myself, I'm William Theodore Roossenburg, also called Billy. I'm the public face of the Maconia Transport Company, a fresh new company working in Sirius, with the intention to cheer up our future costumers, to improve their life style, to help them to get a higher flight. We sell Maconia, and now you're asking yourself, what in hell is Maconia, well, probably, you've heard of our transport selling it in Sigma 17, Omicron Theta, Omicron Gamma, Omega 41, Omega 5, Cambridge, New London, Leeds, Manchester, and Cortez, if you haven't, the good Billy is gonna explain it for you.
The maconia was a ancestral plant, used for medical implications but most at all, for personal matters. Maconia also known Marijuana, weed, yerba, marijane, porro, etc, has disappear, unfourtanely, and because of that, we have to use the Synthetic Marijuana.
If you want some and you don't want to travel all over the sirius systems, getting yourself in problems with pirates and authorities, the Maconia Transport Company is the answer to your problems.
Our transports will be traveling from Sigma 19 to Cortez, passing throught Bretonia and Rheinland. Also, we are selling in the Omicrons, ending the travel in Omicron Delta.
It's our intention to expand our zone of commerce, and we accept any request from any place.
Everytime the transports jump to another system, a message will be send in public frequence advertising that we are now selling on that system.
Price per piece change as far as we are from Sigma 19, prices have to be discussed with the dealer, and they have the final word about it.
Think about it, and call us if you need an incentive.