ID: Dr. Jack Frakes Base: Secret Valley Workshop Location: Bretonia / New London / 3E map Recipient: OSI-Commander Date of Send: 22/March/825 A.S.
Good Morning.
We learn about your company's quick and serious work. I hereby request the new delivery service for your company. That is: 20,000 Optronics Arrays. The value of 3250SC per unit and 20,000 Nanomembrane Filters with the value of 2450 per unit. This product must be delivered promptly to the master warehouse in New London, Map 3E. The material is found at Honshu and Hudson.
"Upon completion of your supply demanded by Secret Valley Workshop Management, 20,000,000SC will be distributed to participants who are actively from beginning to end of the contract."
We have to confirm the start date of delivery, please.