It has been deemed prudent to make contact with the Apostatas in order to discuss the relationship between our organisations.
The Guild would therefore like to propose a preliminary cessation of aggression and open further diplomatic talks to explore the possibility of coming to an accord. GMG is always most interested making new friends and establishing new business relationships, and we believe there is the potential for our groups to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement to elevate us beyond our previously antagonistic interactions.
Although not immediately apparent during our first encounters, it is now our understanding that the Apostatas are in fact not invading Corsairs actively attempting to violate the sovereignty of the Sigma systems, but rather displaced persons seeking refuge from persecution and threats to your own wellbeing. With this, the Gas Miners Guild empathises.
Should you be interested in a parley of sorts, please feel free to use this private channel to share your thoughts on the matter, such as your current circumstances and desired future outcome.
General Walker is indisposed at the moment and we would like to extend our apologies as to the delay of this reply. As you can imagine we have had a hard time moving assets and finding our feet in the barren space outside Crete.
We are indeed looking to move past this misunderstanding that have fallen between the Gas Miners Guild and Apostatas. We will with this agree to a ceasefire and move to a neutral stance while our diplomatic talks are taking place.
As you seem to have gathered we are indeed displaced and we are somewhat lost as to who our current allies and enemies are. One of the enemies are soon to be our old hermanos of the so called "Council of Elders". Our aim is to overthrow the pirate state and replace it with a more legitimate and modern Government. Apostatas does not stand for piracy and we are heavily in favor of legal trade. This is where we found the commodity of "Cryo Organisms" to be fitting. We were in the process of exporting said commodity before GMG started with it's hostilities against us.
We would in efforts to sustain a better relationship with GMG be open to export Cryo Organisms to you. As for a parley we will be grateful if this was to happen. Should you see anything else that might be in favor of advancing our standing feel free to bring it up.
It is refreshing to hear of those from Corsair society who recognise its behaviour to be detrimental not just to those it targets but also ultimately to itself, as no such culture has ever stood the test of time.
The Guild would like to cooperate, and extends the hand of friendship.
Our prospecting operations have thus far determined cryo organisms to be unique to Omicron Beta and not to be found elsewhere. We have a strong interest in the harvesting of these materials, however the local Outcast menace, much like your former comrades, would draw Guild blood at any given opportunity and so far we have had to concentrate our efforts in other matters. I feel they would not treat you any differently. However, should you experience any success in this field, perhaps Iejima Station, in Sigma-19, may be able to accommodate any potential collections you manage to make.
Alternatively, perhaps Omicron Theta may be a sound choice of focus. It is not immediately within Corsair territory, has a Zoner Freeport from which to source supplies, has ample nebula to conceal any potential base of operations and, crucially, lies just within GMG's sphere of influence.
Regardless, The Guild strives to achieve a positive working relationship with your organisation, and is most receptive to your thoughts.
It is rather refreshing to hear such a positive response from you and the GMG.
Our operations have felt some of the affects of such a hostile environment within Omicron Beta, but we will continue to strive to supply our current trade partners and potential trade partners. Your thoughts on where our next base should be contrsucted will be taken into consideration as it does carry some merit.
While our talks has been fruitful and I believe it will continue to be so, we would also like to know what the GMG is planing with Planet Kurile? Perhaps we might also assist with your plans...
Should your organisation wish to settle within The Guild's outer sphere of influence in a system such as Omicron Theta or Omicron Beta, we shall assist you as we can.
Planet Kurile is our current focus. At this stage not much can be done as its docking ring and mooring fixture are damaged and inoperable. We are currently initiating a project to restore their functionality in order to further develop the planet. GMG is happy to keep you updated in this respect but it is likely to be an ongoing issue that will not be solved overnight. In the meantime, a permanent base of operations for the Apostatas is something that we can divert resources towards establishing.
The High Command has decided to accept your advice and offer regarding a base in Omicron Theta. We appreciate the Guilds generosity and eagerness to work with us.
We will look forward to updates regarding Planet Kurile. I shall also keep the Guild updated regarding Apostatas progress in Theta.
Following on from our previous correspondence, The Guild would like to reiterate its desire for cooperation between our organisations.
The actions of the Corsairs, originating in Omicron Gamma, cause chaos throughout the Sigma systems and the wider Sirius Sector, funded through the most part through the illegal artifact trade. As the Corsairs are our mutual adversaries, it is entirely logical for us to work together in our efforts to mitigate the entirely negative effect they have on hard working citizens.
Regrettably. GMG resources are currently limited due to the Federal Republic of Rheinland's illegal invasion of the Sigma systems. As a result, in this point in time, the assistance The Guild can offer the Apostatas is unfortunately minimal. However, we are able to offer some logistical support to your operations in the Omicron Theta, a system which is of interest to us all.
If you might provide us with the details of your most pressing needs, we may be able to assist.