Been a while, old friends. We come to you with both an explanation and a small request, yet one very meaningful to us. As we're sure you've noticed, we've no longer been joining you on raids of Liberty Naval forces (those carrying valuable scientific data excluded.) The reasoning for this is the Unioner and Separatist menace requiring deployment of all non-essential wings to the systems bordering Rheinland. Initial guerilla raids on the Bering system have gone well; we assume the Commonwealth appreciates raids on those attacking our civilians and contributing toward the black market. While the majority of our forces are deployed in that region, we will certainly assist in assaults on various unlawful elements elsewhere, but we find it wise not to poke the bear of the resident military forces further when tied up in a different region.
On to our request, we're sure you've noticed and flown alongside one of our proud flagships, the XA-Retribution, a Defiant-class Liberty Navy gunboat. It suffered massive structural damage resulting in the crew cabin venting to space while engaging alongside a wing of our bomber pilots. We've towed it to Gonzales Station in Cassini, however we lack the amount of knowledge with Liberty Naval craft that the Hellfire Legion has. Assistance with repairing it would be much appreciated; it's one of our movements first accomplishments and a matter of pride. We will take care of acquiring the needed parts, of course, we only require a list.
Name:Christopher V. Dalgaard Rank:Executive Commander Subject:Red Reptiles
I can't say I've had much dialogue with your folks in the past or at present beyond coordination in the field and perhaps some idle chit-chat, but it's certainly nice to hear from a friendly party.
I'll keep this brief over the net and skip straight to your request though, you can bring your boat over to Vespucci and I'll have our engineers look over it, I'm afraid we can't properly estimate the exact nature of how bad the damage is and what'll be needed to repair it until it's sat right in front of us and being properly examined.
I trust you'll be able to tow it over to Monterrey, from there we'll handle the logistics and inform you of the materials required to put it back into fighting shape, if moving it a second time proves difficult, please tell me, I'll arrange something to bypass that issue.
We are nothing if not resourceful, we can certainly work something out to tow it there. We will need a day to put together preparations and will then move it over as soon as possible. The assistance of our long-standing allies and friends is much appreciated. You may expect a gift of a shipment of Mother's Finest to arrive with it. We highly recommend keeping it away from lightweights however, it'll knock even an alcoholic on their ass.
Name:Christopher V. Dalgaard Rank:Executive Commander Subject:Red Reptiles
Excuse the obnoxious delay,
I'd been on a very necessary hiatus from the communications network given the constant diplomatic storm that is Bering and its related politics, needless to say I've been occupied with the Commonwealth and its elected suits more than I'd like to be.
In the mean-time I had an engineer look over your gunship and they assessed the following materials as being necessary for complete repairs:
Please supply these materials to Monterrey and we can get to work post-haste, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get your gunship fully operational and set for active combat duties, just be a little careful with it, never know when supply lines might prove challenging to manage.