Sorry guys and gals, I lied. The next section, to be entitled "Processing," isn't ready yet. Had a bunch of stuff going on today, and missed getting to work on this. So, i'll try and release it tomorrow evening.
And as for RP... As far as anyone knows, SiN Tech just produces guns and drugs (U4 is not directly afiliated with SiN Tech, mainly because it is a simple "high" drug, like synth marijuana or cardamine. Everyone knows SiN Tech makes the stuff, but nobody has any hard evidence what-so-ever). You can use Hardfire, Mentats, Snapecoke and whatnot in whatever you write/act, just keep in mind that if you decide to take some of the side-effects you might dissapear. Like Walker dissapeared, or Juni's CO. For example, Kato was the son of a very wealthy and important man (Guy invented the auto-doc, didn't he?), and his own Missing Person article was burried on page 8 of the news-wave.
We also sell to anyone. Officially, we sell only to the Houses and trade corporations. Unofficially, we get the Junkers, Hogosha, and even Zoners to pick up some of our goods and ship them off to the pirates and people in the boarder worlds. When we say everyone, we mean everyone.
So, any questions, you can PM me, or start a thread, or dig up the one I have for that kind of thing (It's around, somewhere. I would sugest packing a shovel), or if it matters to the story, you can post it here.