Evidence has been given to this government regarding the actions of certain Auxesian pilots within the Omega systems against agents of the crown. We therefore formally demand that Auxesia explain the actions of the vessel Eidolon wraith and the alleged charge of assault against agents of the crown. The allegation that the Wraith did side with, or failed to assist in the destruction of, the Nomads is also in need of explanation.
Secretary East,
Your message and aforementioned demands were not unexpected given the circumstances. It was only a matter of time before your agent either attempted to conceal their activities or twist them in a light that might vilify us. However from where we sit, we are looking at a serious incident which was incited by your operative to begin with.
That being said, The Inner Phalanx is not happy with the Crown's agent in question, as they actively assisted and interfered in the disruption of an important militant operation alongside Corsair patrol craft. As you can imagine, this doesn't look good at all. The attached transcript will shed some light on the events from start to finish. To start, I've highlighted one instance between your agent and my counterpart Keeper Revenant.
Quote:[31.07.2018 23:49:05] [SIS]-Boudica: Freelancer hired by the Auxesia. Desist.
[31.07.2018 23:49:15] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You will not order us around.
[31.07.2018 23:49:23] [SIS]-Boudica: I will. [31.07.2018 23:49:34] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Then you are in our way. Anyone in our way will be removed.
[31.07.2018 23:49:44] [SIS]-Boudica: Good to know.
[31.07.2018 23:50:25] Christina:404: Boudica, are you okay with your target?
[31.07.2018 23:50:30] Christina:404: Or do you need some intervention?
[31.07.2018 23:50:48] Inga.Becker: The Nomads are intervening. [31.07.2018 23:50:52] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: That was your last mistake, agent. Disrupting us is an act of hostility. Begone.
I needn't remind you that our procedures and our operations are outside of Crown jurisdiction. At no point did your agent retain any right to demand our operatives cease and desist their actions within the heart of Corsair territory. Our objective was the liner identified in this photo. A combined team of ourselves and Collective units from Gammu set off to interdict this vessel due to a significant amount of hazardous and dangerous materials detected within a cache on board. The last thing our operatives need when surrounded by everything terrible all at once is a disruptive agent interfering and distracting our forces from their primary objective. Disrupting vessels involved in the removal of the Corsair forces, interfering with the assault upon the fugitive liner rather than taking initiative to recognize that our operatives were otherwise occupied with a priority target, and furthermore - attempts to goad an assault out of our forces.
Quote:[31.07.2018 23:43:35] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Assisting against us was a fatal error, Intelligence operatives.
[31.07.2018 23:43:37] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It veers off to wait.*
[31.07.2018 23:43:37] The.Midnight.Runner: Resuming impulse speed
[31.07.2018 23:43:49] comlogs213: roger that
[31.07.2018 23:43:52] [SIS]-Boudica: Assisting who?
[31.07.2018 23:44:00] Christina:404: Neither of us fired upon you ...
[31.07.2018 23:44:10] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You killed the one protecting us.
[31.07.2018 23:44:13] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Regardless,
[31.07.2018 23:44:16] [SIS]-Boudica: I killed who?
[31.07.2018 23:44:21] [SIS]-Boudica: Robinson?
[31.07.2018 23:44:21] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Protection Removed>
[31.07.2018 23:44:24] tC-Kappa: <Hub Status: Synchronizing objective>
[31.07.2018 23:44:26] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: we believe the technology upon that vessel is dangerous.
[31.07.2018 23:44:27] Christina:404: Please clarify.
[31.07.2018 23:44:29] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: It will be confiscated.
[31.07.2018 23:44:31] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Target Is Open> [31.07.2018 23:44:34] [SIS]-Boudica: Attack me, Eidolon.
[31.07.2018 23:44:35] Christina:404: Go for it.
[31.07.2018 23:44:36] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You were disrupting the vessel.
Our goal was that liner and that liner alone. Nothing else was as important as we were on a time-sensitive mission. There is only so long you can spend in the deep Edge worlds before trouble shows up. We fought through Corsairs, Hessians, Nomads, Freelancers and a handful of intelligence operatives from across Sirius which showed up to investigate the commotion. Our forces cut down the Corsairs that were obstructing our target, as well as anyone who took up arms in defense of the fugitive liner. This included your agent and agents that represented other houses, as they proceeded to take up arms alongside the Corsairs in Omicron Gamma.
At this point our forces were engaged in the acquisition of dangerous materials in possession of an independent craft, which was attempting to flee the area. Your agent proceeded to disrupt and harass the forces in pursuit of the vessel, which not only delayed a time-sensitive operation but risked the fugitive's escape, and a potential new source of hazardous materials seeping into the open market. On top of our mission being jeopardized, further disruption likely would've led to the escape of the Nomad and any additional hostiles that were involved in hindering this mission. Not to mention, your agent freely engaged the AI units that had joined our taskforce, likely motivating a diplomatic incident between the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Gammu AI. They do not forgive violence easily.
Now let me make this perfectly clear: We are in no way obligated to cease and desist our ongoing operations due to the presence of an entity that otherwise posed no threat to our present forces, a handful of trained agents or the dozens of Corsairs and Hessians that wander that region of space. We are not responsible for babysitting your agents while they are well beyond the borders of the Kingdom. Never has that been our duty or obligation, as our faith in the capabilities of agents belonging to our allies and neighbors is that of capable action and independence without our involvement. When your agents begin to interfere with the success of our day-to-day operations, including the seizure of dangerous technological articles, we are not happy.
In our years out in the field, we've developed a greater understanding of the instinctual and reactionary behavior that is exhibited by the Nomads. It was attracted to the noise, like a curious little animal. This does not negate the chaos it was capable of causing, but alone in that scenario a lone Nomad is inconsequential. Any veteran of the Omicrons or one who has frequently combated or dealt with their kind would know just by looking at the composition of assets present and realize that it was certainly not going to do anything or enough to harm the crafts that were present. The group of agents and Order craft alone were more than enough to handle a pair of aliens. Diverting fire from our taskforce is not necessary. Your agent however proceeded to on several occasions ignore warnings and continued to harass our forces.
Quote:[01.08.2018 00:03:47] [SIS]-Boudica: Eidolon shooting me to protect nomads.
[01.08.2018 00:03:49] Sakura.Miyasaki: Wonder what this liner ever did to anyone.
[01.08.2018 00:03:58] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You are engaging AI elements. thus you are blocking the mission.
[01.08.2018 00:03:58] Sensation: Look at the Auxesia. Protecting the Nomads.
[01.08.2018 00:04:09] [SIS]-Boudica: I was shooting the nomads.
[01.08.2018 00:04:10] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: The technology will be surrendered.
[01.08.2018 00:04:14] Sakura.Miyasaki: Sentient AI is a waste of time.
[01.08.2018 00:04:21] [SIS]-Boudica: Shoot the nomads then.
[01.08.2018 00:04:31] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: It does not hinder our mission. It is not in the way.
We are not in the business of wasting our time and letting our objectives fail because of incompetent individuals that cannot recognize the signs of a coordinated operation on a fixed time schedule. Your accusations have no backing other than circumstantial evidence at best. Besides, taking one look at me and having any foreknowledge on the basics of anatomy and biology, you'd realize that the Nomads don't really have a vested interest in a lot of us.
This is the only time I will say it. If agents of the Secret Intelligence Service continue to disrupt our operations and interfere with our movements, a formal complaint will be lodged with the Bretonian Government and a dampener on our relationship will likely be instilled. I do not wish for either of these incidents to happen, nor do I wish for further disruptions or your agents putting themselves in the line of fire.