FROM: Miguel Blancos
LOCATION:Unknown Buenos diaz, Señor Fabulous, my name is Miguel Blancos.
As I'm aware you have access to Oasis Liner Class ship.
The Apostatas would like to request one of those ships for diplomatic missions. We are exiled Corsairs but not uncivilized so we want to be at our best at the diplomatic meetings.
Please notify me if a ship of this kind could be given to us.
Buonas Diaz.
RECEIVER: Miguel Blancos, Apostatas representative
SENDER: Fabuluous Harrington, CRO, Golden Oak Tours
SENT FROM: Harrington Residence, Planet Curacao, Cortez
SENT ON: 825 A.S., October 26, 13:14 SMT
SUBJECT: Diplomatic Liner Request
>>> Begin Message <<<
"'T'as been awhile since I've graced these comm systems..."
A man in a purple suit with purple-dyed hair, eyebrows and mustache comes live in the video, the closed eyes behind his golden-tinted glasses slowly opening to reveal a pair of skyblue windows to the soul.
He smiles. "Greetings and salutations, Blancos-dear, and may the golden oak shade thee! 'Tis been awhile since we've conversed, has it not? Thank yee for patiently waiting, I've been under a fair bit of duress and had to take a... small leave.
"With that said, th'will be glad to know that we're just about to construct our very fourth liner! We've yet to grant the darling a name, so in honor of our potential, ehr, partnership, I've decided to grant thy leadership the honor of not only being able to have significant ownership of this liner, but to name it in accordance to our naming conventions.
"The ship's intended label is usually based on the name, given or surname, of the liner's very first Monarch, or captain of the vessel. To give this vessel the proper heart of the noble Corsairs, we implore thee to pick one among thy ranks worthy enough to be the first captain of this maiden liner.
"The captain must of course exhibit the best qualities of thy group, and be willing to learn and share the values of GOAT."
He clears his throat before continuing, "Now, thou might be understandably skeptical as to why GOAT would so willingly allow significant ownership of said liner, and 'tis due to the fact th'as been making great strides in diplomatic relationships with the people of Sirius. Th'as been showing promise in espousing GOAT values, and we'd like to be part of that promise.
"Let me know thy chosen captain's earliest convenience to partake in glorious pilgrimage to Planet Curacao, where the liner still undergoes the last twenty-five percent of it fitting."
The man flourishes his hand as he bows to the camera. "May the solars guide thee, Apostatas-dear! Fabulous out!"
FROM: Miguel Blancos
LOCATION:Unknown Señor Fabulous,
We agree with all your terms about this "gift", because we would have done the same if we were in your position.
Our High Command decided that I shall be the one that comandeers this ship in our diplomatic missions.
Let me know when we can start this process.
Gracias, buenas dias.
FROM: Miguel Blancos
LOCATION:Unknown Señor Fabulous,
Thank you for the ship.
Today when you gave me the ship I was very surpirsed by its beauty.
This ship will be of great help to our cause and it may give us luck in our meetings.
Gracias, buenas dias.