-- Incoming Signal --
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* ID: Sean Goodman, Freeport Administrator
* Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
* Subject: The Initiative
* Priority : Medium
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
"If I'm being honest I'm not entirely sure who's even in charge of that beautiful little radiation scorched rock. And that makes me feel rather guilty. With the loss of Omega 49, I felt that it was time to reach out and again renew old ties. Beyond the usual platitudes of offers of supply, is there anything that you need?"
Message Ended
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CommID: Nicole Malakai
Location: 5th Freeport, 41st Omega
Topic: RE: The Initiative Greetings, Mr. Goodman,
I am Nicole Malakai, administrator of the most not known Freeport in Sirius and ex-security pilot of Freeport-11. A pleasure to meet you, sir.
I was quite surprised as my inbox notification system beeped for the first time in months, not like this hell of place would be the best option for travelers and adventurers. Anyway I was just restructuring our reputation database based on last events, including fall of our private "club' and I was about to contact Freeports in our proximity. You have been faster this time.
So Sean, if may I call you by name as pleasantries are not really my strong page of my complicated life book, what are you looking for exactly? Is there anything you want from this placed filled with Hunters, Corsairs, Hessians, machos and Communists? If it's just renewal of our old ties, then there is nothing to discuss about as your Freeport-9 was always on friendly status within our community. We are neighbors after all, right?
In case you would be bored or had some spare transports and bored captains, we are always looking for pharmaceuticals and food, as our storages can already hold food for much longer than before upgrade, heh fancy radiation, it's still not as good as on the casual planet or station.
If you want to discuss something privately, I am more than willing to free up some of my time abused life for a short meeting.