it has come to our attention that your attack on Issoudon had unwanted side effects. The discovery of the Roussillon jumphole in Edinburgh and thus the invasion of your Southern Fleet's homesystem were among them. Now Battleship Montmorency is laying in wait to strike Toulouse.
With the might of the Royalist Forces standing at your doorstep, the Gaian Guard offers you support in this conflict. We eagerly extend our helping hand to you and the residents of Planet Toulouse. Therefore we hope that you welcome our assistance in this conflict and forward the information required to cooperate with you.
Initialisation... Intensité du signal:██████████100% Encodage:__________██████████PLUS FORT Source:________Marne, Champagne Expéditeur:____Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Sentry Daniel Müller_________________GG-
Sujet:_________Re: - Transmission entrée...
Sentry Müller,
Your offer of help came as a bit of a surprise, but of course it is accepted et appreciated. The more help we get to hold the GRN back the better it is. Keep in mind, however, that you aren't the only one offering to fight the Gallic Royal Navy in this system, et while we are unaware of any other affairs the Guard might have with our allies, we do expect you to keep any grudges unrelated to the defense of the system or to fighting GRN outside of Roussillon. Merci.
Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil
we are already in the process of organizing a strike force that will patrol Roussilion regularly. Therefore in order to prevent having to return to one of our bases during patrol to rearm and potentially leaving Roussilion unprotected, we ask if we may be allowed to dock with installations in Council space to rearm and repair our ships during patrols. We also intend to coordinate with other allied ships that operate within Roussilion. The Council being our mediator for that purpose would certainly benefit both of us.
This concludes everything related to the defense of Planet Toulouse. Apart from that it seems that I will be the bringer of dreadful news. Your longstanding ally, the Independent Miners Guild, seems to collaborate with your sworn enemy. The footage provided in this communique will show you how GRI ships and IMG ships defend Aland shipyard in Omega-3 together against the Bretonian Armed Forces.
Initialisation... Intensité du signal:██████████100% Encodage:__________██████████PLUS FORT Source:________Marne, Champagne Expéditeur:____Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil___[C] Destinataire(s):Sentry Daniel Müller_________________GG-
Sujet:_________Re: - Transmission entrée...
Sentry Müller,
The expansion of Perpignan Spaceport to accomodate more defense forces has been finished recently. Even though the primary purpose was to move more Council garrisons there, we amended the upgrade plans in accordance with your offer to help. Because of this I'm sure there's enough room for all of us, although in case there still isn't, the limited capacities of the CLN Pamiers should also be available for you et your comrades.
Regarding the cooperation between the IMG and the Crown's forces, thank you for your information. We've received similar reports from other sources confirming your conclusions, et have dealt with this case already, for now.
Général Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Général en Chef Du Conseil