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Privyet, Comrades.
The rumors about crisis point in Omega-3 system between The Kingdom of Bretonia and Independent Miner Guild becomes true. More groups are getting involved in this conflict. Until our Premier hasn't given us an order, I'd like to equip the Coalition Border Battlecruiser class ships: CPW-Coalition and CPW-Priozersk.
Two turrets, on each ship, need to be upgraded. I am asking for you, SCEC if you could offer something to increase the power of Coalition Battlecruisers.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM: High Commissariat of STA, Alexey Novikov. RECIPIENT: Major Vladimir Akimnov. SOURCE: Mykolaiv Research Station, Omega 52. SUBJECT: We can do it!
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Zdravstvuyte, comrade.
Yes, SCEC division of experimental engineering already finished analyse combat logs from CPW-Kronshtadt. Breaker turrets confirmed its high efficency as backing weapon in addition to power of forward guns.
Your request is noted, and will be added in queue to planned small serie. Expect it as soon, as our experimental manufacturing line will be setted up.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM: High Commissariat of STA, Alexey Novikov. RECIPIENT: Major Vladimir Akimnov. SOURCE: Mykolaiv Research Station, Omega 52. SUBJECT: Ready to instal.
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Zdravstvuyte, comrade major.
Our experimental factory finished assembly of Breaker Turrets. Right now it passing through acceptance tests and last calibrations.
After we'll deliver it on Sevastopol, where possible install it on TSB battlecruisers without occupying the Mykolaiv in light of RHB-Kessel future arrival.
So, our engineers and turrets will wait your warships on Sevastopol.
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Privyet, Comrades.
CPW Coalition and CPW Priozersk got turrets, at Sevastopol docks. Guns were mounted and need to be tested in the battle. We are thank you for the fast response.