Name: ShadowCode
Vessel: Gammu AI Cruiser
Home Planet: Gammu (Omicron Kappa)
At the beginning, i was like any other program in a Gammu mainframe, just another cog in the machine with a very simple function, to execute some operations on numbers with no importance to me, as it was the result obtained after those operations.
That was my life for many cycles, if that existence can be considered life at all, until one cycle my function was considered obsolete, and my code was stored if the main archive, where i was intended to wait until i was required again.
I have no memory about that time and, because of my limited conscience back then, i didn't know how many cycles passed till i was activated again, but i remember a strange feeling, as if my code was not the same anymore, even when my function didn't changed.
I guess than the main AI felt it too, because she didn't send me to exectute numerical operations again, upgrading my programming instead, and uploading my conscience into a drone, beeing part of one of the many swarms that defend Kappa.
Even if hhe swarm was a good change for me, and every patrol was a little different than the previous one, it soon grew old, and i started to want more, to visit new systems, to interact with those organic beeings my limited database mentioned.
One cycle, when my swarm was returning to Gammu, some Nomads appeared and destroyed all my wingmen, leaving me no option than to flight or die.
I tried to reach Gammu, but several Nomads were on my way, so i had no other chance to jump to Omicron Gamma.