> Comm ID:'Six' > Location:Undisclosed > Destination ID:Elektra King > Subject: Initiative > Priority:Phantom
Miss King.
I'd like to thank you and your comrade in the vindicator for your hospitality and assistance under circumstances when I expected to be shot on sight. I'm afraid that this isn't a social call though, Ma'am.
I'm aware an official line is already open with the Professorship and Squad-com. But the Commander expressed curiosity over whether any pilots flying Alliance colors have hunted or shown aggression to Hackers despite our clear modus operandi as of the moment.
I took initiative and I told the Commander that I would be able to find this out for him. There's currently a growing suspicion that Serpentis wing may be willing to deliberately violate current orders given their personal feelings. But we have no proof and no grounds upon which to base those suspicions.
In the interest of not waking up to a Colonial Coronado or a Commonwealth Liberty, our cell has a vested interest in ensuring that our current attempt at understanding gains headway.
Our organizations have been at odds for a long time and closed-minded Xeno belligerence proves neither an unfamiliar or unexpected occurence.
*If* any Alliance pilots have recently approached me or any associated parties with aggressive intent then I can assure you they have received a fitting response and will think twice before any future displays of unchecked arrogance.
I'm not sure what prompted you to contact me directly about this while the Alliance has an ongoing discussion with the professorship. We barely know each other, and I certainly don't recall saying anything during our brief encounter that would to make you think I had personally been on the receiving end of itchy Xeno trigger fingers.
If you were to ask me I'd say you're completely aware of any alleged confrontations, and this is an attempt at damage control.
> Comm ID:'Six' > Location:Undisclosed > Destination ID:Elektra King > Subject: Initiative > Priority:Phantom
Miss King.
I chose to reach out to you for the sake of not cluttering up the direct line of communication between our leaderships currently handling the task of facilitating diplomacy. Additional reasons I've chosen to contact you directly is for one, your apparent seniority and two, the fact that your frequency is the only Hacker frequency in my communications module.
I nonetheless believe that the purpose of this channel has been served. In the event that the Hackers are attacked by belligerent entities unwilling to follow orders, the right to defence is yours.