⧫ Alexandria Research Station
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ 05/14/826
⧫ FROM: DIR Curtana
Start of Project Overview
During Operation RED RIDING HOOD (Wedjat Operation 9982-034), Provisional Battlegroup SAVIOUR was assisted in exfiltration of the TAU-117 System (Otherwise known as "DRAKE") by one Gallic Royal Navy Richelieu-Class Battleship (VALOR design, differs from the Council's REDEMPTION design through the presence of a massive forward gun dubbed WARWOLF) named Eglantine. WEDJAT Archives list the Eglantine as one of three major capital assets deployed in the allied operation called FALLEN GRACE. Due to Nomadic Interference (Considered at this time to be of low threat, due to number of infected present and killed, and continued actions of the Gallic War Machine) FALLEN GRACE failed, ending with the destruction of the Crayter Vanguard Carrier Rubicon in Leeds following a kamikaze attack on the Royal Navy Flagship Chant du Cygne, resulting in its subsequent destruction. Heavy Asset Eglantine was still heavily damaged and low on fuel and power, leading it to hide within the CORTEZ System, deep within the Roatan Ice Cloud, surviving on covert deliveries from sympathizers within Gallia. During Operation RED RIDING HOOD in August of 823 AS, Eglantine used half of its remaining fuel reserves to reach the TAU-117 system and assist Battlegroup SAVIOUR in final evacuations after Nomad Forces threatened to overrun their position. Due to its manner of entry, Eglantine's main gun has been damaged and requires repairs, as well as a restoration of both its hull and inner components, including a complete conversion from an Oil-Based reactor core to either H-Fuel based or, with Overwatch Permission, installing three of the remaining four IRG Power Cells procured by Former Director Ellie Hunter before her disappearance. Furthermore, due to the vast hangar bay of the Richelieu class - which I am told is far smaller than the Charlemagne class - the Eglantine can be used as a long range carrier. While OPERATION: ARMAGEDDON is set to acquiring us a Carrier, the use of the Eglantine would be invaluable. Due to the manner of who carried out its retrieval - Task Force 117, or MAGUS - Eglantine has been given to the command of Colonel Natsumi Hideyoshi of the Fourth Battlegroup. Currently Eglantine is referred to in official communications as Asset STANDARD-BEARER. Currently the STANDARD-BEARER is under heavy refit in deep space using the Dreadnought Berth - Coden-named DAEDALUS BELIAL - left within the Wall of Seth following the completion of all repairs to HORUS-Class Dreadnought Thebes. As the survival and continued existence of STANDARD-BEARER has been classified under SIGMA Level clearance and rumors and information regarding STANDARD-BEARER has been suppressed by the CIS following the success of RED RIDING HOOD.
As of now, repairs to STANDARD-BEARER are at 56% Complete. Hull Integrity is sitting at 87%, Life Support is fully operational, but weapons systems are at 10% efficiency due to multiple overloaded systems and a loss of critical parts we do not have. A new reactor and subsequent power grid is required, as well as repairs to the WARWOLF Forward Gun. Thankfully, Colonel Hideyoshi managed to procure access to Minato Harbor to acquire all necessary parts left by Battlegroup OBLIQUE following the flagship's destruction. Asset OUTREACH has been deployed and is currently taking catalog of all materials left behind due to the OBLIQUE's defection. Fortunately for the power grid upgrades, STANDARD-BEARER had been acting as the de-facto headquarters of the the Royal Navy's former Office of Naval Intelligence, or ONI. At least partial schematics have been retained onboard the Valor, which has thankfully allowed us to work on upgrading the grid to handle the output of three IRG Power Cells. Coupled with tricks learned from IRG during Project TONITRUS, we are certain that OSD can do most of the refitting in-house. Unfortunately repairs have gone slow due to a need to gut some manner of the innards of the vessel, removing unneeded sections that ONI had used in its existence. Due to the need for a Long-Range carrier that can carry more than your standard Osiris, it has been decided to refit STANDARD-BEARER into a pseudo-Charlemagne class, as detailed by Agent MARTYR. As such, further reports and notes will refer to STANDARD-BEARER as a Charlemagne II instead of a Richelieu. In this vein, we are also updating the ONI CIC to Order specifics and adding enhanced carrier assistance software and hardware. MARTYR has been fine with this, though I have reported his obsession with ending Gallia almost on par with our hatred of the Nomads. This could prove both useful and dangerous for the Order, and as such I now will put forth the notion that his XO - one Eclaire "Tonnerre" de Wynter be tapped as permanent Commanding Officer in worst case scenario. Though MARTYR, his twin sister BRADAMANTE, and de Wynter - who has chosen the callsign SUCCUBUS - all maintain a strong love of Gallia, it is my belief that SUCCUBUS has a greater understanding of our mission and objectives following the three's induction into WEDJAT and subsequent training at CITADEL BABYLONIA, under Commander Rika "KID" Hunter. KID has informed both Colonel Hideyoshi and myself of this.
With the three involved in Project: SNOW WHITE, there is one last thing that the Order Science Division is interested in perfecting the Cloaking Device that had been installed on the original C.V Osiris during the First Nomad War (800 - 801 A.S). Unfortunately, with the disappearance of Caspar Orillion and the Fall of Minor, much of the early data on the Osiris Cloaking Device is long gone, and we have only limited scans of the IRG cloaking devices that allow perpetual stealth. This is the main reason the OSD will be installing three of our four remaining IRG Power Cells onto STANDARD-BEARER, in hopes a perpetual cloaking field can be achieved. Due to the size and signature of a VALOR, the ability to perpetually cloak and remain hidden for surveillance and covert operations would be invaluable to our Outer-Omicron activities. It is also the hope that a perpetual Cloaking Device can assist with the exfiltration of Heavy Assets unharmed - the loss of Battleship Canaan harms our operations in its former area, and a replacement Osiris has not been completed by Sicca Shipyards yet. In this vein, equipping STANDARD-BEARER with, as KID would say, an "infinite cloak" would ensure multiple avenues of escape for STANDARD-BEARER, should we save someone who then turns around and shoots us.
With this said, there are seven (7) major Project Objectives that must be completed, which are as follows:
⧫ Complete Power Grid Upgrades - IN PROGRESS
⧫ Install all three (3) IRG Power Cells - Not started
⧫ Repair WARWOLF Forward Gun - IN PROGRESS
⧫ Overhaul Weapon Systems with parts from MINATO - IN PROGRESS
⧫ Overhaul original OSIRIS CLOAK Design - IN PROGRESS
⧫ Refit STANDARD-BEARER to "Charlemagne II" Custom Configuration - IN PROGRESS
⧫ Upgrade former ONI CIC to Wedjat/Carrier CIC - IN PROGRESS
Seven Dwarves for the Princess.
We have a lot of work to do, if STANDARD-BEARER is to become fully operational in this war. As such, in discussions with the rest of the Science Division, we will begin reaching out to our allies in the hopes of procuring all materials needed to complete the repairs on STANDARD-BEARER and bring her to bear against the Nomad threat. As such, a shortlist of allies has been delivered to Colonel Hideyoshi in hopes that we can get this moving along.
It is a blessing in disguise, the amount of damage that STANDARD-BEARER took during FALLEN GRACE. It has made it far easier to refit it to Charlemagne II configuration than if it was in pristine condition. Always must look for that silver lining, yes?
⧫ Alexandria Research Station
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ 05/28/826
⧫ FROM: DIR Curtana
Dwarf 1&2: Bashful and Dopey
Asset OUTREACH has arrived at Minato Harbor. Cataloging of relevant materials has begun, and we have located all parts necessary for the repair of STANDARD-BEARER's Warwolf Forward Gun. We are also negotiating for the ownership of all other materials that are marked for the Oblique, which include a mess of conduits and other such items to enact field repairs when a drydock is unavailable for a time. Furthermore, OUTREACH confirms that we should be able to reverse-engineer parts to maintain upkeep, but it will take some refits to STANDARD-BEAERER, which are in line with the full conversion from a Richelieu to a Charlemagne-II. With the Logistics Division currently procuring the needed materials for the full conversion, OUTREACH will drop off all materials to Shaitan and move to next Area of Operation. With the parts, we can reverse-engineer them here at Alexandria, then have them produced at Razgriz Straits before shipping them to DAEDALUS BELIAL. in this vein, we hope that we can avoid a full overhaul of everything top to bottom, which would be the cost of two osirises, or half a new Thebes-Class. With this in mind, the need to procure the schematics to fully redo the power grid to handle Three (3) IRG power Cells, and if decided, a Nomad Power Core, then we will need a full rework of it.
With the tricks learned from IRG under Project TONITRUS, the Order can begin producing more efficient power grids for our vessels, as well as work to convert from the needed H-Fuel of Sirius to something that needs less...constant deliveries. Our quiet friendship with the GMG has been a lifesaver, especially as the Core tests our borders. In this, we also hope the cores will yield the needed test results to begin our own version, though less...Core-y, and more reactor-y. If that's even a technical term.
Furthermore, in looking over the plans for the Osiris' original cloaking device, which was used to great effect during the Nomad War - both in the assault on Alaska, and the rescue of Nomad War Hero Edison Trent from the Battleship Thor - if we can create a grid that can divert the power of all three cores to different systems, we may be able to avoid any undo issues from the use of three. With the size of a Valor-Designated Battleship, two is far more then needed - but with how unpredictable Nomad-derivative and pure Nomadic technology can be, having them spaced out with an emergency Reactor will be invaluable. While the Oathkeeper's "Lifelight" Drive was designed to use minimal H-Fuel but maintain full efficiency, it still is a slave to H-Fuel. The success of both Thunderbay and STANDARD-BEARER will be instrumental, invaluable to creating a more permanent, and far less supply-line taxing, means of power for our capital fleet.
Hm. In looking at the full catalog given by OUTREACH, we are lucky, in the end, that the Oblique was destroyed some months ago. With it gone, these supplies have been left behind to languish. Taking them off of Minato's hands will free up some space, at least. Shaitan will already be within range in a few hours for the hand-off...hm...Not as much as I would have liked, that is for sure. After FALLEN GRACE our friend MARTYR has lost all of their access codes to Gallic bases, meaning any attempts to gain the needed plans are out the window. That is fine. We have survived on good old human ingenuity before, and we will continue to. The first two 'Dwarfs' as I jokingly call them, have been acquired. Once Shaitan has arrived at Taba Starbase, a Ranger shuttle will finish the transfer to DAEDALUS BELIAL and Wedjat engineers will work to restore the Warwolf and all gun batteries to working order. While they will be useless without a fully working power core, at the very least they will work. It's something, considering last I checked they still were picking dead Nomad debris from the damn thing. Did they have to ram into that Irra? Could they not have just shot it?
Blasted people and their over the top heroics. They cause more headaches than anything, and I am quite frankly tired of them. No matter. Once STANDARD-BEARER is complete, we will have a long-range carrier that the Order will be able to stage multiple operations off of. While deployment in systems with heavy debris fields is downright impossible, such as Bering, parts of Coronado, some of the Omegas, and...I would say the Badlands, but deploying STANDARD-BEARER there would be as idiotic as deploying a Nephilim into Minor these days, especially with the asteroid field growing closer to the planet.
In any case, I'll be up all night re-cataloging and diverting what I can spare to Alexandria for study. It would be supremely easier if I had every schematic, plan, and design, but not even Gallia would just leave those lying around for any schmuck to grab, right?
⧫ Alexandria Research Station
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ 05/28/826
⧫ FROM: DIR Curtana
Dwarf 3: Doc
With the destroyed sections of STANDARD-BEARER now fully cleared out, engineering teams have begun forming new schematics. Based on our current inability to locate any former plans on the Richelieu-class warships, we have decided to, for now, work on clearing up the odds and ends. Looking at the former ONI CIC, it was well placed for a Richelieu, but we need to extend the hangar bays to accommodate more fighter and bomber wings, as well as a Hathor or two if needed. Doing this will require us to move the CIC, which we currently have cut away and are rewiring a bit further back, closer to the bridge in the stern. This will be done within a few days, maybe a week if there are any complications. Along with the CIC being redone to match WEDJAT operational standards, we also will be installing a BEHOLDER system, the successor to the SPYGLASS-II scanner arrays in current use onboard the RESHEPH class cruisers. Aelita's legacy, which was installed onboard O.C.V - Ghost Eye and O.C.V - Cleopatra has been used to great effect. With the spacious room on a VALOR designated battleship, STANDARD-BEARER will be able to pull double duty as a long range carrier platform for the Order, as well as a Wedjat Intelligence assets for BEHOLDER scans. Our teams have almost fully mapped the entirety of the vessel, and a crude schematic has almost been drawn up. We can touch it up with further information or revisions later, but once we have a baseline, we should be able to get STANDARD-BEARER to full combat operation. Our fabrication plant at Razgriz Straits is currently working to set up the means to channel the power of three Ingenuus Power Cells, but first we shall install the system onboard the Kusanagi before we attempt to do so onboard STANDARD-BEARER. The loss of this ship would be terrible - the Science Division's Geb is old, and patchwork. If anything goes wrong, it is better to scrap it and use it towards a new vessel. Already a majority of the crew is packing up as I write this report, and the Kusanagi is being moved to the orbit of Planet Tunis , on the far side, for testing. It is my hope that, if a Geb can withstand the use of three cores, then a mere overhaul of the current system can be done, instead of a complete rebuilding of it - which would either require weeks, if not months, of work to do without the plans - or a few weeks. As such, currently many of the major repairs are on hold while we continue to map out power and life support systems. We expect this to be done around the same time as we finish moving the CIC, but even then - it will take awhile to rewire them correctly without the schematics. Martyr has suggested contacting the Maquis, who would have no qualms doing whatever they could to get them - provided they harm Gallia doing so. Not the kind of people I would like, but it is Martyr, Bradamante, and Succubus who have the connections within Gallia. Not I.
With that said, Giza Command and her factories have been working hard for years. I have had to split the fabrication plants of Razgriz Strait to produce what I need to replace most of the internals of STANDARD-BEARER, as I cannot merely request an entire factory or two halt production for OSD's sake. Alexandria is doing what it can in that case, but progress is still slow. I have had to spread most of my needs across Fort Carthage, Alexandria, Razgriz Straits, as well as the orbital refinery of Akabat, which, while it has proved adequate, a few more lines would no go remiss in hastening the repairs. This vessel is almost as big as the Thebes herself, after all. Which is why, as of now, I am bringing Commander Rika Hunter in. She is not wholly happy about being pulled from her duties with LAST SCION in the Liberty region, but I have need of her unique experience. She was one of the original team, including her sister and many other fine scientists, that worked to create the Thebes and much of her more advanced systems. As such, her knowledge is invaluable with the work of Power Cores - Commander Hunter was on the team that helped harmonize all Nomad Power Cells used with the Thebes, and as such is an asset I need to complete STANDARD-BEARER. She should be arriving by tomorrow, and based on preliminary views of the project, she says she can do it. I can only hope the young genius and her confidence are not false or egotistical.
In conclusion of this report, I have been looking over the Osiris Cloaking Device, the very same one originally installed onboard O.C.V Osiris in the First Nomad War. While I may be able to get it operational, I do have misgivings about it's ability to be ready before the ship is. As such, I have added designs leaving room for the Cloaking Device, and will instead proceed forward with getting STANDARD-BEARER operational before I see about getting the vessel into combat readiness. I may be able to procure a install a temporary cloaking device in the meanwhile.
Beyond that, looking into the CIC further, ONI was more focused on surveilling their own people and the Council than for alien threats. We are removing the entirety of ONI's modifications and, from the ground up, will be rebuilding it. With the BEHOLDER array, as well as PRESERVER Biometric Scanner Systems for use against Nomad infestation, the TIGRIS system for Strike Wing Strategic direction, a EUPHRATES Fleet Coordination System, as well as standard WEDJAT operational systems and hardware, STANDARD-BEARER will be able to liaison with local forces and provide Fleet, Strike, and Anti-Nomad Infestation coordination. The CIC will further be directly linked to the Medical Bay, Weapons, Engineering, and the Reactor Sections for defense against Nomadic sabotage. An internal FOF system is also to be installed, and all crew will be tracked by their NeuralLinks. While we have not gone full "transhumanism" like our foes, a basic implant is required for all Order crew onboard STANDARD-BEARER. This FOF system is still in the prototype stages, but if this new CIC is able to track all crew members effectively, a full roll out to all Order capital vessels can be achieved in the next three months. Tentatively I call it the CARTOGRAPHER. A silent one, mapping the path of all crew. As...invasive...as this may be, in the end - this is war, and we cannot take any risks. The survival of humanity is, and will remain, the chief mission of the Order. Privacy can be regained. Humanity itself cannot.
⧫ Alexandria Research Station
⧫ Omicron Epsilon
⧫ 06/20/826
⧫ FROM: DIR Ellie Hunter
Dwarf 4: Grumpy
With the go-ahead from Grand Admiral Golanski, the remaining 67% of O.C.V Inquisitor has been scrapped and the smelters of the Akabat orbital Refinery are currently reforging it into usable materials to complete the restoration of STANDARD-BEARER and finish the hull refit to Charlemagne-II Class specifications, as agreed and planned out during my time under the name CURTANA. As of now, I have decided to shed that persona and focus on doing what I do best. And in that vein, along with Rika, we are 77% complete with the mapping of STANDARD-BEARER's power grid. With the Maquis all but silent towards Lelouch, we are beginning to prototype different power grids that may or may not be able to interface directly with STANDARD-BEARER. We cannot full complete the hull restoration until those are completed, unfortunately, but at least we will be able to once more seal the 72% of then vessel we have had to leave open to space while we work. With the handful of Logistics Vessels that the Fleet can spare are doing a fine job, part of me wishes to risk asking other allies, such as the Blood Dragons, DWR, or even Velvet in this endeavor. But alas, Natsumi has already requested Velvet's help with the materials needed for the O.C.V Jerusalem, which we hope to deploy to Omicron Minor. Until as such a time that we can risk it, I have erred on the side of caution in ensuring Project SNOW WHITE remains secret.
In looking at our schematics for Charlemagne - II, Martyr and Succubus have filled me in on the normal Charlemagne class warships used by the Royal Navy in it's invasion. Lacking a Forward Gun and usually armed with point defense weaponry, the issue that the original Charlemagne's had was it sacrificed the forward gun for more hangar space. We instead sacrificed space for people and instead shall rely on automation and an advanced artificial intelligence asset to make up for lack of manpower. In this, we hope to blend the frontline warship status of vessels such as the Richelieu and Conquerant classes into Charlemagne - II. If we can redo the entire power grid, we can squeeze more room for the crew as needed, as well as ensure there is ample space for ground based forces. Looking at the plans, with the extended hangar bays, we have a little wiggle room for medium sized ground vessels - assault trucks, a small tank platoon at best. OSD has also finished plans on armored exoskeletons - prototyping has begun and Citadel Babylonia shall see the first tests within the quarter. Furthermore, with the materials from Inquisitor we have accelerated our timetable by a matter of months - thankfully. Using the Wadjet/Gengen-Wer Armor as a basis, we are going to upgrade her armor to match that of the Thebes. This will allow STANDARD-BEARER to fill a multitude of rolls. We are going to get every inch out of this vessel, and we are going to make sure that every bit of mileage we get from this is worth it. With more secured supply lines and the Ingenuus power cells I procured from IRG years ago, we can and will be able to cut out a majority of the supply concerns that plague most of our other extended-leave groups, such as LAST SCION.
Speaks of LAST SCON - the work on STANDARD-BEARER has been invaluable in the finalization of Refit Packages HORUS, AMENTA, and EDEN. Having to work to redo the interior of a vessel over the past few years, while also working to replace all internals, all unfamiliar, with our own systems, has given us an engineering team that can teach it's tricks to the others, and only make us better. As such, O.C.V jerusalem can and will be the newest, most well put together Osiris that the Order has been able to make since the Canaan. With our flank in Omicron Minor still in danger, we need such a vessel to guard.
I screwed up and nearly destroyed Kusanagi, crippling it to the point it is better overhauled to be a normal Geb class. But I have taken that failure in stride, and as such, I have already set my teams to work adapting Refit Packages HORUS, AMENTA, and EDEN for our Geb class battlecruisers and Resheph class Reconnaissance Cruisers. We cannot let ourselves stagnate in our war against the Nomads...the Core...we cannot. And if we can succeed with the IRG cells in STANDARD-BEARER, and if Doctor Sullivan and I can create our own versions, an "Order Power Cell" of our own, then we can supply power of over 300% of our current output with normal reactors.
Thankfully, our simulations have told us that, if we were to fully overhaul the power systems from the ground up, tearing it all out and putting our own in - which could take half a year, if we are not lucky - we can, with all Power Cores, succeed in gaining an output of over 500%. While not as good as the good IRG Doctor who helped with Thunderbay, I am confident that this is the first step. This will allow us to service multiple fighter class vessels simultaneously, cutting down the need for replacement shipments. If we sacrificed the forward gun, we might even be able to stick a fighter fabrication plant in. Hah. In all seriousness for this report, the hangar section will be able to fit all automated repair systems that the Order has developed and uses at Razgriz Straits, Giza Command, Hierlark Planetary, Fort Carthage, and Taba Starbase. With all this room, I might be able to actually fit a small fighter fabrication plant, though that would push back our timetables. We project that up to ten wings of Bastets, eight wings of Nephthys, or seven wings of Sekhmets, can fit within the hangar bay. Unfortunately due to the height of our Hathor gunships, we cannot fit any. That does hamper the ability to use our Wedjat variant Hathors as combat dropships, but there is nothing that can be helped. For now, Kestrel freighters are the go-to for dropships, as their magnetic clamps can hold a variety of things we may need.
For now, I must get back to work. Shipments from the Orbital Refinery are due at DAEDALUS BELIAL by tomorrow. With hope, we can get the Svizra to tow STANDARD-BEARER into Akabat orbit once the hull repairs are complete. Just...need this power grid....sorted out...
It's always power grids.
I should get Obsidian to work on stealing the schematics of every vessel known to mankind. Then, at least, when one comes to my doorstep, I'll have a much easier time fixing things.
⧫ Razgriz Straits Science Complex
⧫ Planet Akabat, Omicron Mu
⧫ 06/20/826
⧫ FROM: DIR Ellie Hunter
Dwarf 1&2: Bashfu and Happyl
The Shaitan finally arrived with all the necessary materials a day ago. Work crews are putting everything into this - we've been asked to divert all crews to Carthage to refit Oathkeeper. The Jerusalem is nearly complete, so we will put all our available manpower into the Oathkeeper refit, upgrading it to a CV-1 Osiris Eden. I've changed a few things the Horus Package comes with - and we probably will change that name, I forgot the idiocy behind it - no matter. We'll fix it. We might even be able to do better energy efficiency...
In any case. We have to stop work anyways. Without the power grid upgraded and overhauled, we cannot continue the hull repairs, nor install the IRG cells. As such, I'll be focusing on the Osiris Cloaking Device and working to interface it with an IRG power cell. I'll use the Solomon as a testbed, as it's almost completed as well. I also will take the opportunity to run simulations using the IRG Cell and the Solomon to test the output of the core in conjunction with the WARWOLF forward gun that STANDARD-BEARER has. It's my hope that the Core lives up to IRG's marketing that one can power a battleship. Using three should eliminate all needs for a secondary battery source for the cloaks, meaning we can ensure that STANDARD-BEARER works at full efficiency. I just pray that the simulations for the WARWOLF go smoothly, and don't blow anything out. Admiral Golanski will tear my head off if I nuke another ship's reactor and power grid.