INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM: Gregor Tykovkin. RECIPIENT: SCEC . SOURCE: Rostok Research Facility, Anatolia system. SUBJECT: Request for permanent deployment defense fleet.
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At the moment, Rostok Research Facility is deprived of ships with permanent deployment at the station.
To improve the response to military dangers and do various courier, scouts and other important missions, I ask you to provide military ships that could be permanently located on Rostok and will be under our direct control.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM: High Commissariat of STA Office. RECIPIENT: Commandant Gregor Tykovkin. SOURCE: Mykolaiv Research Station, Omega 52. SUBJECT: Request approved.
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Greetings comrade Tykovkin.
High Commissariat office approved your request. Your garrison will be reinforced by CPW-Cesis (XKR-EV-ZERO "Storm" Mark-X). Crew of the vessel, under command of Anton Schumacher proved themselves enough strong during Expeditionary Corps reconnaissance missions in deep space.