To:Kruger ShipMaster From: Kaiser Kramer Location:Essen Staiton, New Berlin Subject:Faction Shared ships
Guten Tag ,
Here is the Master List of all Kruger Ships in the Shared Fleet.
Load-outs and special equipment is included in the individual Data Sheets.
Location of ship and current Pilot information, if assigned, otherwise the Ships will be Marked as available for deployment.
It is imperative that this list be kept up to date as we would not want Corporate assets to fall into the wrong hands.
Ships will be maintained i complete readyness, including a 5 million credit cash fund as well as full ammo, counter measures, shield batteries and nanobots. and any consumables used by the particular Ship.
It is the responsibility of each pilot to return Ships fully restocked .
Non Rheinland ships, most notabley the "AP" line of Bounty Hunter Ships, proof of ownership is provided as well.
Receipts and Ship Registation will be maintained and updated here as well for existing and new ships as they are aquired .
Mit freundlichen grüßen, Vorsitzender KaiserKramer Kruger HQ
.......NOTES .....
. Based in Omega-7
. Currently assigned to the Omega-7 Silver Fields supplying Feldkirch Depot
. This Ship is authorized for Uncut Diamond Mining in the Omega-2 System
. Escorts are recommended, however this ship is Authorized for Lone Mining Operations
. ----Ship should be docked at Feldkirch Depot when not in use ----
.......NOTES .....
---Information Unavailable at This Time ----
Ship is Docked in Alster Shipyard for maintainance . Status Reports Pending ..
----Ship should be docked at Essen Station when not in use ----
.......NOTES .....
---Information Unavailable at This Time ----
Ship is Docked in Alster Shipyard for maintainance . Status Reports Pending ..
----Ship should be docked at Essen Station when not in use ----
.......NOTES .....
---Information Unavailable at This Time ----
Ship is Docked in Alster Shipyard for maintainance . Status Reports Pending ..
. ----Ship should be docked at Essen Station when not in use ----
.......NOTES .....
. A true 5K Transport.
.The Augsburg is a tough ship with an experienced crew.
.Whether she is hauling Silver,Cobalt,Uncut Diamonds,Copper or Aluminum from Rheinland to our Smelters and depots or Carrying ores across Sirius and back.
This ship is a money maker.
. ----Ship should be docked at Feldkirch Depot when not in use ----