"Oh, that does sound like Yberg, indeed!", Elizabeth reacted angrily. "My orders, eh? Again with the same excuse? And why did you believe her, because she told you so?"
"Mademoiselle Hall, do you doubt the loyalty of your subordinates that much? Mon dieu...the only person in this room that I believe in unconditionally is the one sitting next to me - Selim and I bonded through the fires of battle, always watching our backs - he's the only man I believe in. Nevertheless, I never stated that I believed her as you angrily state - I am a man of facts. As such, I am baffled: how can you retract the order you yourself gave to Captain Y'berg, citing disobedience about her? She followed your order to the letter, and you would accuse her for that? I hope you understand my doubts. Best if we stop squabbling between us two, and get back on point, right?" - the Gaul said.
Michel knew he was about to overspeak himself and, lest to anger miss Hall, he cleverly cut the chitchat to concentrate on the nearest problem: their former allies, the Coalition.
"Back to the point? Sir, the point has already been discussed. We must all hurry to Sydney immediately. We can drown any unpleasant memories in sacrilegious quantities of good vodka there, if you'd like... Or would you like me to bring this along?", she takes the bottle of looted Gallic wine from the desk.
"What are we waiting for, then? Let us make our way there at once! Oh, and for the wine...leave it there, I'm good as it is." - Michel said, ready to leave the place.