Fort Carthage, construction platform 7. Mounting advanced armor plates
For the recent several weeks Carthage had a hard work. About 500 constructors, engineers, tens of heavy machinery already working under newest Order battleship that promised to be effective in the edge worlds and deep Omicrons. At the same time transports from the very wild territory just arrived. They are totally loaded with material strangely named "Narcrahtite". I can't remember exactly, but somebody said, this resource...or material whatever is able to distort energy projection by it's own.
Anyway, task is still under question. We have a lot of unused armor plates class 7 for heavy vessels, we also have a lot of strange materials with interesting properties, but what exactly they can. It is time to visit an archive for documents with narcrahtite mentions.
Archive document #76 Wrote:"Unprocessed narcrahtite"
Difficult to describe, what exactly is this, but I am sure, materail is a sort of "artificial creations" with completely complicated structure. Looks like, he follow symmetrical mathemathic patterns these we can't surely determine. His chrystaline shell looks unstable outside of solid, and that explains, why they were placed into asteroids. We shall continue our researches under material, when quantum supercomputers once finish modelling his molecular, atomic and sub-atomic structure.
Interesting fact: Naturally narcrahtite has properties to distort or deflect different energy preojections including heat plasmoid streams based an Asurite weaponry. Potentially, his sprayings linked to boron fibers may give an additional improvement against energy firings, but this is temporary effect, considering unstable nature.