TIP: Make a backup of your original gun FX for the relevant gun .ales, if you end up not liking these effects then no harm and no foul, just revert. This was created with the intention of giving people who find the current Xeno guns hard to see, an alternative that they could opt into rather than patching these in and crushing potential sentiments. Express your gratitude to the development team for making these so quickly, I had no hand in creating this except for requesting.
These WILL NOT TRIGGER THE ANTICHEAT. Modifications of your .ale files do not prompt the anticheat to think you're an elite russian haxor secretly working for the lane hackers. This does not touch your .ini files and will not result in unforeseen consequences in the form of a ban. If you make any further modifications beyond what is provided however, then that's kind of your own fault.
A high contrast, modern alternative to the aged and hard to see Xeno gun FX for Suntigers and Black Widows. It does not modify anything else and matches the gunboat turret FX.
Hard-pressed by complaints of pilots having to strain their eyes to find where their particle blasts were going, or simply being invisible to the naked Xeno eye, the boys in the XAF over on Ramsey have so lovingly crafted for you an aesthetically pleasing alternative. Forged in trace amounts of Silverton silver to add the right amount of visibility to the traditional xeno particle arrays. You may now blast your enemies with minerals far exceeding their recommended daily intake.
Your Widows in the first picture aren't the only gun that's received a revamp, your quicker Tigers have also been brought in line with new manufacturing regulations imposed by the Commander's office for the sake of increased combat efficiency. As it so happens, being able to see where a shot is headed is remarkably useful for lining up subsequent blasts.
Who'd have thunk it?
Let the crabby old naysayers think what they want, you'll be the new hotness on the block and eventually their jealousy of your style and better performance will motivate them to reluctantly swap over. You're a radical born in the silver fields of Colorado, from a bygone age of when Liberty did its own mining. Let everyone know and feel it too.
If you got tired of all the flaming skulls, this is a thing you can do. I mostly had it done for myself, and it looks whacky when you're docked. So be sure to back up your stuff and see if this is your thing. Please also note that all the other HF ships might be mutated by this too.
Have to admit the snakes look a lot cooler in the place of the flaming skulls. Download link is below the title if you're bored enough. Look under DATA>SHIPS>DISCOVERY>frozen and copy/paste the .mat file there and let it overwrite.